Sunday, August 25, 2013

Obama planning WW3 in Syria ?

Obama planning WW3 in Syria ?

 Obama will start a war in Syria which will lead to WW3. 80% of our troops will be deployed to the Mid East. 20% will be here in America.
This will leave America vulnerable to attack.
Fema Region 3 is to have a full blown military test at the end of September into October 2013.
I have a feeling this is not going to be a test.
Washington D.C will use the so called "test" to form a buffer zone between Washington D.C. and the rest of America
Wake up America. NDAA made America a war zone. Our government is at war with We The People to take away our rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Alex Jones Jesse Ventura & Willie Nelson - The Lost Interviews

Jesse Ventura has been a soldier, wrestler, elected official and best-selling author. The man called both The Body and The Mind discusses 911 truth on The View.
Get ready people they are going to pit left vs. rights now more than ever .. They WANT a civil war.. so that they can use U.N to round up so called terrorists and patriots .. then there will be an invasion by a giant army .. most likely CHINA .. who will eventually own a peice of the U,S. since we will never be able to pay them back in this designed FEDERAL LAND GRAB because thats whats up to china for DEFAULT.. OUR LAND.... MORE of the U.S. is damn near FEDERAL than non .. Food 4 thought

Laurence Kotlikoff – Interest Rates Going Up – The Inform Act – New Fed Head

from Financial Survival Network
Professor Laurence Kotlifoff of Boston University joined us to discuss the impact that rising interest rates will have on the US economy. He’s not overly alarmed. We talked about the real rate of inflation and the Thanksgiving Dinner Index. Then we went on to discuss The Inform Act which will require Congress to actually disclose the debts being shifted to future generations by the underfunded entitlement programs, which total in the hundreds of trillions. Also, Professor Kolikoff believes that Janet Yellen is the better choice to head the Fed as opposed to Larry Sommers.
