Monday, August 26, 2013

Signs of New York's End

We see things with our natural eyes and do not get what is seen in in the spirit many, many times. We just gloss over it like looking in a looking glass. For without the Holy Spirit speaking into our lives daily we cannot see thing clearly. We are just looking at life amidst a rose colored glass with a coating of milk film on it. Look beyond this rose glass today and see that is being said you and prepare your hearts for eternity. Our lives are but a breath then it's gone.

URGENT U S Green Light For Attack On Syria and World War 3

WOW!!! so Assad failed to kill all his civilians with chemicals and the US UN says hey that's not right so we will bomb you and finish the job for you because Assad is bad!
I guess people are finally starting to understand how evil our war mongering, mass murdering, blood thirsty, power hungry politicians are. Just maybe people will someday realize how much better it could have been if Constitutional conservative Ron Paul had been elected president of the United States.What a shame that Paul was blocked every step of the way by the duopoly. That's OK though because he set in motion a huge grassroots movement and that movement gains steam every day

Global Financial Meltdown

We had a meltdown because of central banks plain and simple....The banks control the world, they manipulate markets manipulate interest rates make bets on huge amounts of leverage and they have all their people on the regulatory agencies that are supposed to be watching them. The politicians let them get away it because all they care about is getting re elected and where do you think all their campaign funds come from? To see guys like Robert Reich on this video is kind of joke.