Monday, September 9, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Barack Obama's 'Operation Shuck and Jive' in Syria

9/9/13 - Rush Limbaugh continued slamming President Obama's lack of a clear Syria strategy on Monday, calling his administration out for not making regime change a part of potential operations in Syria. But Limbaugh then went on to mockingly refer to the president's plan as Operation Shuck and Jive. "Bush had Shock and Awe, we're looking at Shuck and Jive here. That's what I'm gonna name this, the Obama operation in Syria: Operation Shuck and Jive. Because that's what this is." Limbaugh got some heat today for using the racially charged language, but he's not the first. Sarah Palin fought back against criticism last year that her using the same phrase when slamming Obama for lying on Benghazi.

URGENT WW3 UPDATE - Rebels Planning False Flag Chemical Attack On Israel & Blame Assad

A number of anonymous sources close to the Syrian conflict have told RT that rebel forces are planning to launch a 'provocation-attack' using chemical weapons - against Israel. Let's go live now to RT's Paula Slier in Tel Aviv - to hear more about this.

WW3 UPDATE - As Syrian Crisis Deepens, Syrians Flock To Military Sites As Human Shields

So, we are being told we need to bomb syria to help the syrians - yet here are syrians preparing to literally die for Assad. Its not syrians that the west care about, oh no, its the SAUDI DEATH CULT AL QAEDA/AL NUSRA they are supporting and have no regard for the human lives being lost in the process