Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ken O'Keefe "The Big Picture" - Banksters, Prostitutes, Traitors, Perpetual War & WW3

A summary of of what is really happening in our world and thus the key too changing it for the better.

David Rubin on The War in Syria ~ Trunews September 9, 2013

David Rubin, author and former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, shares his unique persepctive on the U.S. fomenting war in Syria, Barack Obama's allegiance to Saudi King Abdullah, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Lou Dobbs ~ "Obama Boxed Himself In" Day Of Mixed Messages After Kerry Offers Syria Deal To Avoid Strike

"Obama Boxed Himself In" Day Of Mixed Messages After Kerry Offers Syria Deal To Avoid Strike - Dobbs