Saturday, September 14, 2013


The American Regime's Credibility is in Free Fall
The American regime's credibility is in free fall. People are sick of the lies, the corruption, the wars, the murders being carried out by the American regime. This is what the awakening looks like:
Former leader of the KGB lectures the American regime about the rule of law to restrain them from escalating war
Former director of CIA being jeered and heckled at University
Harry Reid wringing his hands about independent, liberty minded colleages & calling them anarchists
And yet another high level official being caught yet again in lies and perjury about criminal actions (IRS)

Jon Stewart Exposes The Hypocrisy of Obama 9-14-13

Jon Stewart brilliantly exposes the hypocrisy of Obama's claims that because Syria violated international law and norms (by allegedly using chemical weapons) it must be punished.,,,


Fact is, a portion of society will always prefer to go with whats the norm in their local crowd in the effort of climbing the social ladder. These types of people may be presented with the truth, even agree with it.. but they'll choose to play the social game instead because thats the easiest way to fame and recognition. They need to impress their peers by being the local hero, get the medal, be the tough guy in the photo. You're accomplishing something. Look at you. Sprawled out with your gun on some guys home depot shack, hunting down the baddies. Women love you. Mr. protector. Got your T-Shirt and logo. You belong. You've arrived. Just like the movies. You're someone special. At a boy. Good job. Recognition. Need to be accepted. Patted. Stroked. Wanted. Attention. Whatever... forget these tools. When we take power, these tools will do what we say, just as they do what they're told today by the neo-con hijackers. They're tools. Every society has them... they're the grunts on the ground who do the bidding of command. No need re-tooling a tool you'll eventually need for its original purpose. Some tools were made to be tools for specific purposes, and nothing more. A 20ft purple alien with 7 heads could be voted President in 2016 and these guys would fall in line without question. Its their purpose in life. Keep 'em fed, give 'em a few perks, they'll shoot whatever you want them too. They dont call it Order of the Dog for nothing. Wooof! Go fetch boy!