Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday September 15 2013: Stand For Our Rights

Alex interviews Terry Holcomb & Rachel Malone
On this Sunday, September 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down Obama's threat to use military force against Iran in response to its perceived nuclear weapons program. The latest twist in the Middle East arrives after Russian president Vladimir Putin arranged a diplomatic effort to strip Syria of its chemical weapons, a move that defused Obama's increasingly belligerent rhetoric as the United States inched toward intervention in the country and moved closer to the ultimate goal of overthrowing the al-Assad regime in Damascus. Alex also covers the possibility of so-called boots on the ground to effectuate the round-up of chemical weapons.

John Stossel ~ Giving Away Billions

I hear often, "More competition means lower prices for higher quality goods." But then apply this to people. In the global economy, as the labor forces of entire nations are competing, we find the 'lower price for better goods' concept translates to 'workers who will work harder for less pay'. Suddenly it's not the free market anymore. Here, it's suddenly communism, socialism (even though the government isn't involved. It's private companies sending jobs overseas.), and that the 'globalists' want everyone poor. But this is the free market at work. Apple can employ an American who will handle 50 I-whatevers for $15/hr or a Chinese person who will handle 60 I-whatevers for $1 a day. So when you say the foreigners are 'stealing' our jobs, or that the 'elites' are actively trying to make us poor; no, they're not. They're not immoral, they're amoral; they're just trying to save every cent they can. Nothing is forcing Apple or Ford to outsource. They prefer the Mexicans, the Chinese, the 2nd and 3rd world workers over you because they'll work harder for less. So now you have to compete with that. Either accept lower wages or try to be more productive. And then blame the government and communism...

The Secret World of Gold

Gold is by far the most popular precious metal for investors – especially during times of financial instability. Despite its recent price downturn this month, gold is relatively stable and is seen as perpetually valuable. Because of this, gold is often used in financial portfolios as a "hedge," to offset potential losses should other riskier investments not pay off.