Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jerome Corsi ~ Who Killed JFK Coast To Coast AM SEPT 17 2013

As we prepare for the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, author and columnist Jerome Corsi discussed his extensive research into the killing of Kennedy. The ballistics evidence proves that more than one shooter was involved, and that the lone gunman theory is false, he said. When Kennedy was brought into the Parkland Hospital after the shooting, the doctors recorded an entrance wound in the front of the head. But in examining frames from the end of the Zapruder film, when the car was about to go under the underpass, you can see the back of JFK's head is blown out. Lee Harvey Oswald, shooting supposedly from the Book Depository, was positioned behind Kennedy, and therefore couldn't have been the only shooter, Corsi stated. "A shot from the front means there was two shooters at least." One reason for JFK's assassination was that he wouldn't go along with an arranged New World Order, and refused to use the US military to support business interests, and he planned to dismantle the CIA, Corsi outlined. He named Allen
Dulles, the former head of the CIA, as one of the planners of the JFK assassination and detailed how that in addition to Dallas, there were 2 other attempts to kill the President in November 1963. One was in Tampa, and the other in Chicago, and they both involved a "patsy" who would be found in possession of a high-powered rifle with scope. The model for the JFK assassination was developed in the Eisenhower administration with the coup d'etat in Guatemala, engineered by E. Howard Hunt and carried out by the CIA in 1954 and 1957, he revealed. Lyndon Johnson was also culpable in the killing, Corsi contended, noting that he was embroiled in scandals that Kennedy was about to expose, which would have sunk LBJ's political career.

Report: 80 percent of IRS-target groups were conservative

Rep. Issa: Free speech was clearly attacked

NSA can crack any font. This is concentrating on stuff that doesn't even count. NSA can access most about anything. The key is disbanding the NSA and enforcing laws prohibiting use of technologies, including DARPA technologies, from being used against the civilian population by a totalitarian and self-destructive financial elite. DARPA has a HUGE role in all of this. Especially the continuation of old-fashioned COINTELPRO using cutting edge "behavior modification" technologies. More and more innocent Targeted Americans are realizing the evils of MK ULTRA never stopped after the Church Committee tried to expose them. Trust me: cracking fonts is a joke to NSA. They've "cracked" everything everyone does, and even thinks, all the time. Every American is under constant surveillance. There won't be any "FEMA concentration camps;" the infrastructure has already been built all around us, from cellular towers to satellites. NATO/EU countries are one giant prison with the ILLUSION of freedom.

Gerald Celente - ABC Australia with Ian Henschke - August 29, 2013

Gerald Celente talks about Syria, Egypt, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Australian Federal Election.

It is well known the only country that wants this war as much, if not more, than the U.S, is France. They need to jump start their economy, and this war they feel is their ticket to ride......The problem with Frances assertion is that the UN was merely sent to Syria to find out "IF" chemical weapons were used, not "WHO" used them, so Any report to the contrary is most likely inaccurate, or fabricated

”Wherever there is interest and power to do wrong, wrong will generally be done.” James Madison