Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ron Paul Choice For US Is Between Spending, Inflation & Detroit

Ron Paul Choice For US Is Between Spending, Inflation & Detroit

The rigged financial markets are not an indicator of the health of the domestic economy. Millions of industrial and manufacturing jobs have been lost to global slave trade markets to increase wall street's bottom line. The domestic economy is rotting while the Federal Reserve rigs the financial markets to the tune of billions of dollars every month. The major cities are broke and the retirement funds decimated. The Fed's money corruption scheme has bred huge disparities in wealth and income, massive unemployment, huge student debt, along with the deterioration of the domestic infrastructure.

Final Step Before Economic Collapse Coming

The Solution to inequality is obvious: make all citizens capitalists. Create investment fund for the 99%. Initially funded with Billions of OUR tax dollars. Continuing funding via A Wall Street transactions tax.

URGENT - Nairobi Shopping Centre Attack To Switch Agenda South, Since Putin Blocks Syria War?

Just a few thoughts on whats happened today, and what it MIGHT/COULD mean for the future. This is a whole lot of speculation, and i am 1st to admit to you all the African stuff is not something ive really researched or looked into at any length.