Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Wake Up America!" The REAL IRS Scandal Exposed!

There is no "American" Government in authority and in power. America has been hijacked! In America, what you have is a Rothschild,  network operating as a shadow Government. They are slowly and methodically destroying the tradition of the American system from within.

The Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS must be ABOLISHED along with the ADL, DHS and AIPAC and the CFR. These factions are all a part of the Rothschild Network that have been destroying the tradition of the original intent of the American system. Will Americans wake to this reality? Will Americans take aciton to stop the criminality?

Deflation to drag down S&P 500

Russell Napier, stock market historian, predicted in 2009 that easy monetary policy would drive a long rally in stocks, followed by a crash taking the S&P 500 below its 2009 low. He tells John Authers he sticks by that, but now thinks it will be driven by deflation, not inflation

Schizo Shutdown: Does govt halt show loss of touch with reality at Capitol Hill?

Moody's analysts say if the shutdown continues for a month, it will cost about 55 billion dollars - which was roughly the losses caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, excluding property damage. Charlie McGrath, founder of the Wide Awake News portal, believes the US lawmakers are completely disconnected from the nation.