Saturday, October 5, 2013

Michael Savage Rips Into Caller for Defending Capitol Police Gunning Down Unarmed Woman - 10/4/2013

The Savage Nation.
Aired October 4, 2013.

Police acted "heroically" in gunning down frightened woman with baby. A video shows members of Congress giving a standing ovation to Capitol police for executing an unarmed mother with a baby who was brutally gunned down after driving erratically at a checkpoint near the White House

USA Prepares Radio Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Friday October 4 2013:

Hr #1- Skip Coryell - Security
Hr #2 - Sam Bushman - Govt Shutdown
Date: 10/04/2013
Host: Vincent Finelli
"Everyone all set? Cocked and locked? Here we go..." That is how Vincent starts every broadcast and the same energy is applied to the entire hour of his show. "USA Prepares" aims to: dispel incorrect information about eating habits, dangers of food additives, fluoride, chlorine, and fast food joints, medical prevention and cures, survival economics, preparedness and exposing the lies that keep us form being able to prepare, and much, much more. Common guests include: Dr. Norman Shealy, Jim Marrs, James Wesley Rawles, Larry Pratt, Dr, Shayne, and Maggie Craddock. If you want to know how to buy a farm, raise farm animals, store food, learn the importance of precious metals, or even survive a gunfight, tune into "USA Prepares."


The prophecies are coming true. They've come from all over the world and many say the same thing. A warring planet will not be allowed to travel space. A nuclear planet will not be allowed to destroy. When the elite and evil governments have been taken down and the earth is cleansed then we will know we're getting it right.We will have help from above but at the appointed times. Things will change. We're tipping the scale for the good.Our cries have been heard.Everyone doin their parts