Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Permaculture is not just a trendy way to go green

Nick Heltzel, The Hunter School, joins Thom Hartmann. Some people know that permaculture is a type of environmental design that develops sustainable architecture based on real - living natural ecosystems. But did you know that there are 3 core tenants of permaculture - and that anyone can take part in permaculture? So - if you think that permaculture is just a trendy way to go green - then everything you know is wrong! Please help The Hunter School now by donating at 800-897-8358.

Ron Paul Discusses Audit the Fed on CNBC 10/28/13

Ron Paul Discusses Audit the Fed on CNBC 10/28/13

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why We Can't Trust Anything TEPCO Says About Fukushima!!!

Two-and-a-half years after a massive earthquake crippled the Daiichi Power Plant at Fukushima, TEPCO is giving people one of the dumbest theories on radiation proliferation we have ever heard while reportedly looking the other way at blatant corruption within the clean up...and the mainstream media refuses to put the pieces together to give anyone the bigger picture. Here's a rundown (we tried to be quick) of what's been going on...and it ain't pretty.