Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Elizabeth Warren on Women's Issues and Politics (2012)

During the late-1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s, Warren taught law at several universities throughout the country, while researching issues related to bankruptcy and middle-class personal finance. Warren taught at the Rutgers School of Law--Newark during 1977--1978, the University of Houston Law Center from 1978 to 1983, and the University of Texas School of Law from 1981 to 1987, in addition to teaching at the University of Michigan as a visiting professor in 1985 and as a research associate at the University of Texas at Austin from 1983 to 1987.

She joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1987 and became a tenured professor. She began teaching at Harvard Law School in 1992, as a visiting professor, and began a permanent position as Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law in 1995.[16]

In 1995 Warren was asked to advise the National Bankruptcy Review Commission.[17] She helped to draft the commission's report and worked for several years to oppose legislation intended to severely restrict the right of consumers to file for bankruptcy. Warren and others opposing the legislation were not successful; in 2005 Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.[18]

From November 2006 to November 2010, Warren was a member of the FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion.[19] She is a member of the National Bankruptcy Conference, an independent organization which advises the U.S. Congress on bankruptcy law.[20] She is a former Vice-President of the American Law Institute and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[21]

Warren has had a high public profile; she has appeared in the documentary films, Maxed Out and Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story.[22] She has appeared numerous times on television programs including Dr. Phil and The Daily Show,[23] and has been interviewed frequently on cable news networks, radio programs, and websites.

Warren has written several books, including All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan, coauthored with her daughter, Amelia Tyagi.

Warren and Tyagi wrote The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke. Warren and Tyagi point out that a fully employed worker today earns less inflation-adjusted income than a fully employed worker did 30 years ago. Although families spend less today on clothing, appliances, and other consumption, the costs of core expenses such as mortgages, health care, transportation, and child care have increased dramatically. The result is, that even with two income-earners, families are no longer able to save and they have incurred greater and greater debt.[24]

In an article in The New York Times, Jeff Madrick said of Warren's book: The authors find that it is not the free-spending young or the incapacitated elderly who are declaring bankruptcy so much as families with children ... their main thesis is undeniable. Typical families often cannot afford the high-quality education, health care, and neighborhoods required to be middle class today. More clearly than anyone else, I think, Ms. Warren and Ms. Tyagi have shown how little attention the nation and our government have paid to the way Americans really live.[25]

Writing in Time magazine, Maryanna Murray Buechner said of Warren's book: For families looking for ways to cope, Warren and Tyagi mainly offer palliatives: Buy a cheaper house. Squirrel away a six-month cash cushion. Yeah, right. But they also know that there are no easy solutions. Readers who are already committed to a house and parenthood will find little to mitigate the deflating sense that they have nowhere to go but down.[26]

In 2005, Warren and David Himmelstein published a study on bankruptcy and medical bills,[27] which found that half of all families filing for bankruptcy did so in the aftermath of a serious medical problem. They say that three quarters of such families had medical insurance.[28] This study was widely cited in policy debates, although some have challenged the study's methods and offered alternative interpretations of the data, suggesting that only seventeen percent of bankruptcies are directly attributable to medical expenses.


Drug Smuggling Methods: The CIA, Trade & Finance in Central America Day 3 (1988)

Operation Panama Express is a long-running Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) comprising participants from the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the United States Coast Guard and the United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida.
According to a March 2006 Congressional testimony by DEA Chief of Operations Michael Braun, Operation Panama Express has resulted in the seizure of 350 metric tons (392 tons) of cocaine and the arrests of 1,107 individuals. The OCDETF is based in Tampa, Florida and focuses primarily on interrupting cocaine shipments en route from South America, especially Colombia.
On September 13, 2008 the U.S. Coast Guard captured a narco submarine about 563 kilometres (350 mi) west of Guatemala; it was carrying seven tons of cocaine.[1] The 59-foot-long, steel and fiberglass craft was detected by a U.S. Navy aircraft as part of Operation Panama Express.

The most notable individual arrested as a result of Operation Panama Express is Colombian Cali cartel kingpin Joaquin Mario Valencia-Trujillo. Valencia was arrested on January 31, 2003 in Bogota, Colombia and extradited in 2004 to the United States. The lead witness in Valencia's trial was Jose Castrillon-Henao, a former Cali cartel maritime smuggling chief who became an FBI informant in 1999. Valencia was sentenced to a prison term of 40 years and ordered to forfeit $110 million.


In 2005, the DEA seized a reported $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.[19] According to the White House's Office of Drug Control Policy, the total value of all of the drugs sold in the U.S. is as much as $64 billion a year,[20] giving the DEA an efficiency rate of less than 1% at intercepting the flow of drugs into and within the U.S. Critics of this theory (including recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, Milton Friedman, prior to his death a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) point out that demand for illegal drugs is inelastic; the people who are buying drugs will continue to buy them with little regard to price, often turning to crime to support expensive drug habits when the drug prices rise. One recent study showed that the price of cocaine and methamphetamine is the highest it has ever been while the quality of both is at its lowest point ever.[21] This is contrary to a collection of data done by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which states that purity of street drugs has increased, while price has decreased.[22][23][24] In contrast to the statistics presented by the DEA, the United States Department of Justice released data in 2003 showing that purity of methamphetamine was on the rise.[25]

The DEA was accused in 2005 by the Venezuelan government of collaborating with drug traffickers, after which President Hugo Chávez decided to end any collaboration with the agency. In 2007, after the U.S. State Department criticized Venezuela in its annual report on drug trafficking, the Venezuelan Minister of Justice reiterated the accusations: "A large quantity of drug shipments left the country through that organization,...[]..We were in the presence of a new drug cartel."[42]
The government of Bolivia has also taken similar steps to ban the DEA from operating in the country. In September 2008, Bolivia and the US drastically reduced diplomatic ties with one another, each withdrawing ambassadors from the other country. This occurred soon after Bolivian president Evo Morales expelled all DEA agents from the country due to a revolt in the traditional coca-growing Chapare Province. The Bolivian government claimed that it could not protect the agents, and Morales further accused the agency of helping incite the violence, which claimed 30 lives. National agencies were to take over control of drug management.[43] Three years later, Bolivia and the US began to restore full diplomatic ties. However, Morales maintained that the DEA would remain unwelcome in the country, characterising it as an affront to Bolivia's "dignity and sovereignty".[44]
In the Netherlands, both the Dutch government and the DEA have been criticized for violations of Dutch sovereignty in drug investigations. According to Peter R. de Vries, a Dutch journalist present at the 2005 trial of Henk Orlando Rommy, the DEA has admitted to activities on Dutch soil. Earlier, then Minister of Justice Piet Hein Donner, had denied to the Dutch parliament that he had given permission to the DEA for any such activities, which would have been a requirement by Dutch law in order to allow foreign agents to act within the territory.


Glenn Beck Fires Back At Rachel Maddow Linking Him To Alex Jones

Glenn Beck Fires Back At Rachel Maddow Linking Him To Alex Jones izle, Glenn Beck Fires Back At Rachel Maddow Linking Him To Alex Jones video, Glenn Beck Fires Back At Rachel Maddow Linking Him To Alex Jones hd 6/5/13 - Rachel Maddow has taken to tearing apart conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and the ever-outraged right-wing response to recent events. On the fli... Senate Immigration Proposal: Pathway To 'Apartheid' & The Codification of 'Indian Removal II': Conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck kicked off his Restoring America tour in New Jersey to a modest crowd of around 700 people. And, it has
now come to ... Recently, Obama administration mouthpiece MSNBC had their liberal poster-child Rachel Maddow continue her jihad on Alex Jones, this time inventing false clai... SUBSCRIBE TODAY →: Aired May ,2013 Do not curse us insulting words Conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck kicked off his. USA Top Show's Most News Cracking Every day On the Hour. 9/23/13 - During a moving speech at the memorial for the Washington Navy Yard shooting victims, President Obama called for a transformation of the nation i. Alex Jones responded to Rachel Maddow's skewering of his special tornado-weather-machine-conspiracy theory on his radio show Friday by saying she looks like ... Glenn Beck's Secret Alex Jones' Infowars- There's a war on for your mind! TAGS: Bradley Manning, Steve Ballmer, Batman, New England Patriots, Damascus, NASDAQ, Mumbai, Mobile app, Carolina Panthers, Bo Xilai, Damascus, Mumbai, Mobi... Glenn Beck, who has been doing radio since 1979, estimates that he has said roughly 89 million words on the air. That's a lot of words. The conservative entr... This from infowars.com: Government was staging drills and checkpoints during today's unarme... Alex Jones and the rest of the infowars crew break down their experience at stonehenge. [TWITTER... On his show last night, Glenn Beck donned a wig and mustache and had a good ol' conversation with himself. Riffing on the reports that former Internal Revenu... Alex continues his coverage of the IRS effort to attack the establishment's political opposition, Obama's Attorney General signing off on seizing reporter em...