Sunday, November 10, 2013

Don Oscar Miro Quesada on The Hundredth Monkey Radio November 10 2013

Don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is the originator of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism and visionary founder of The Heart of the Healer Foundation (THOTH). A respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, don Oscar's apprenticeship in northern coastal huachuma curanderismo and initiation into the southeastern Andean paqokuna shaman/priesthood, formally took place between the years 1969 and 1986.

His first immersion into the living soul and mythic reality of Peruvian shamanism was under the uncompromising tutelage of the famed huachumero don Celso Rojas Palomino from Salas, a then small agricultural community near the city of Chiclayo. Don Oscar accomplished his apprenticeship in northern coastal curanderismo fulfilling the dual role of auxilio de mesada ("healing altar auxiliary" or "ceremonial assistant") and rastrero ("clairvoyant diagnostician"/"diviner"),

Pete Santilli FBI Informant? Judy Wood Paranoia? The Real Deal 8 Nov 2013

8 November 2013, Vinny Eastwood on "THE REAL DEAL" With PROF JIM FETZER & SUSANNE POSELThe topic of today's show is internet radio host Peter Santilli, leaked documents have revealed that he is working for the FBI and it is fairly certain that he is an agent provocateur put in place to help the US Government destroy liberty movements, demonize patriots and generally poison the well. If you are a Santilli listener please we implore you listen to this and study up with further content, don't just take our word for it!

News In Two Minutes - Disaster In The Philippines - Measles Outbreaks - Unrest In Bulgaria - China

Super Typhoon Continues -- Syrian Rebels Recapture Aleppo -- Measles Outbreaks in Humans and Marine Life -- Comet Ison Video -- Unrest in Egypt, Bulgaria, China -- Quakewatch.