Monday, December 2, 2013

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday December 2 2013: News & Calls

Obama Controls Media Access
-- Date: 12/02/2013 --
On this Monday, December 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts more brazen governmental intrusion into the lives of citizens at home and abroad as the TSA stands accused of using Google to deny people entry into the country. Alex also looks at Obama's over-the-top effort to deny media photographers access while pushing officially approved photos in a move reminiscent of Soviet era propaganda and smacking of cult of personality antics favored by authoritarian regimes. Alex also takes a look at other aspects of the police state, including the arrest of a Canadian man for daring to photograph police in Montreal. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex takes your calls and covers other important news items.

The Iodine Conspiracy ~ Alex Jones

Intended for human and animal use as a daily, dietary supplement, the nascent iodine in Survival Shield® may be an important part of an optimum health routine. Iodine is the mineral basis of the HPT (Hypothalamus--Pituitary--Thyroid) Axis, and many believe that the HPT Axis is the underlying basis of the HPA (Hypothalamus--Pituitary--Adrenal) Axis. Proper thyroid and endocrine function are absolutely necessary for the body to perform at the peak of health.

The Top 4 Reasons You Need Nascent Iodine

1. Iodine is an essential mineral that supports thyroid health and well-being.

2. Nascent iodine may support healthy iodine levels.

3. Nascent iodine may support healthy hormone levels.

4. Nascent iodine may be involved in maintaining healthy metabolism.

The Invention of Survival Shield® & What Sets It Apart

Survival Shield® is manufactured in a state-licensed facility that meets federal regulatory standards, is cGMP/HACCP-compliant, and lab grade. Raw elemental iodine is a controlled substance both at a State and Federal level. The licensing, approvals and regulatory documentary procedures are exacting and costly.

The production process of Survival Shield® has a stabilizing effect on the elemental iodine, making it in to a simpler form of nascent iodine.

Bound forms of iodine must first be separated, clarified and purified from other binding components or impurities into a USP-grade (US Pharmaceutical), mono-elemental iodine as certified USP resublimated iodine crystals. In this purified crystal form, iodine is a highly reactive and toxic substance. However, when the purified USP iodine crystals are subjected to a proprietary process it becomes nano-colloidalized and transforms into a form of elemental nascent iodine, also referred to as monoatomic iodine, without the addition of iodides!

Another Broken Promise? - Deadline To Fix Obamacare Site Passes By

Another Broken Promise? - Deadline To Fix Obamacare Site Passes By