Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (12-3-13) Full Show

On The December 3, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts.

News Covered: Green energy vs grid. Slashing fossil fuel comes with a price. epa preparing new deluge of regulations. Venezuela can't keep lights on. solar energy (capture the sun, not block it?) Nuclear is Green! This proves it! Obamas big push for nuclear. Fukushima warning to all.

Risk Expert: "High risk" of Nuclear Holocaust at Fukushima update 12/3/13

Tepco Adviser: Fuel is damaged in two Fukushima pools — 150 billion Bq/m³ of Cesium-137 at Unit 3, possible second explosion after 3/11 — "Certainly appears something of significance occurred" Tepco Adviser: Fuel is damaged in two Fukushima pools — 150 billion Bq/m³ of Cesium-137 at Unit 3, possible second explosion after 3/11 — "Certainly appears something of significance occurred"

TV: All-time high radiation level in well at Fukushima plant 40 meters from Pacific — 1.1 billion Bq/m³ of strontium-90, other beta emitters — "Feared highly contaminated water leaking into ground" and being allowed to flow into sea (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/tv-all-time-high-r...

AP: Experts warn about ground sinking at Fukushima plant — Tepco Adviser: Reactor building structures likely degraded; "Containment degradation" concerns back in 2011

TV: Sea star die-off worse than thought; Now over entire West Coast; Going from one species to others — Gov't tests 'rule out' Fukushima — Coincidence they're all melting at once, or something fishy is going on in these waters (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/tv-sea-star-die-of...

Professor: "It's true that about 70% of Japan's territory is polluted" by Fukushima radioactive material; Tokyo contaminated with highly toxic radiation — "Experts worry about catastrophic impacts on health" http://enenews.com/professor-it-is-tr...

Study: Those lacking wisdom expected Fukushima plume to disperse before hitting West Coast — In reality "sharp features" were detected even after several days travel (PHOTO) http://enenews.com/study-uninformed-p...

Gundersen: They want to dump all Fukushima's radioactive water in Pacific — Tepco: It will be diluted, then released — Professor suggests pumping it out in deep ocean (VIDEOS) http://enenews.com/gundersen-they-wan...

The End of Internet Freedom ~ Alex Jones

In another blow to the Constitution, the Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case by Amazon and Overstock.com challenging a law that requires online retailers to collect sales tax in states where they have no physical presence. The Supreme Court refusal to hear the case will allow state governments to tax online retailers and turn online retailers into de facto tax collection agencies