Monday, December 16, 2013

News In Two Minutes - Coup Attempt - Violent Muslim Riots - H7N9 - SK Warning - Drone Ban

Attempted Military Coup - India Warns On Border Control -- Violent Riot In Xinjiang -- New H7N9 Case With Up To 53 Quarantined -- South Korea Warns The North -- Yemen Bans Drone "Assassinations" -- Bangladesh Unrest -- Flooding -- Quakewatch.

James Walbert ~ Victim of Illegal Micro Chipping and Electronic Torture

James Walbert is a victim of illegal implantation of radio frequency microchips in his body without his knowledge or consent. 21 States have since starting forming legislation and investigative bodies to prevent further implantation and remote hacker of the human nervous systems of others.

Off-Grid Lifestyle Prompts Eviction, US Lobotomized 2K Vets,Soviet's Psychotronic Arms Race

Off-Grid Lifestyle Prompts Eviction, US Lobotomized 2K Vets,Soviet's Psychotronic Arms Race