Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson Ignites A Revolution

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson stared down the powerful forces of Hollywood, and Hollywood blinked! As a result, people are coming out of the closet. But they aren't gay. They are Christians and conservatives. A duck hunter may have fired the shot that ignited a new American Revolution.

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Wednesday January 8 2014: Poison Surrounds Us

Today -
On this Wednesday, January 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News host David Knight breaks down the latest in radiation leaks, mass fluoridation and the government's poisonous atmosphere of distrust. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates now admits that the Obama administration has been "poisoning the well" against military leadership, often showing condescending attitudes towards senior officers. In other news, an electrical engineer simply waved his Geiger counter around at a beach near San Francisco and got a startling reading: 14 times the normal level of radiation. Paul Joseph Watson joins the show to discuss this discovery and the latest developments on the Fukushima radiation leaks. Jakari Jackson and the Infowars field crew give a report on the radiation levels from outside San Francisco. Lee Ann McAdoo also joins the show from Austin City Hall where two patriots continue their hunger strike in protest of Austin's forced fluoridation of the water supply.

North America Colder than Planet Mars

The cold snap gripping many parts of the United States and Canada has brought record-breaking icy temperatures lower than the surface of Mars.
The chill, which has been named the Polar Vortex, has brought in frigid air from the Arctic. The town of Embarrass, Minnesota recorded the lowest temperature in the U-S on Tuesday at minus thirty-seven degrees Celsius. In Canada, Toronto's Pearson Airport temporarily halted ground operations because of equipment freezing and concerns for the safety of airport personnel. Wind chill factors as low as minus fifty degrees Celsius plunged the western Prairies region into a deep freeze.