Friday, September 12, 2014

Valery Uvarov UFOs & Russian Pyramids - Bosnian Pyramid 2014 Conference

Scientist Valery Uvarov gives a stunning presentation on UFO Pyramid evidence and the Russia Pyramid Complex. The time has come and the pyramids are gradually revealing their secrets to us. Experiments to study the effect of the pyramids on animate and inanimate objects are changing conceptions about the properties of material. And despite the fact that attitudes to the pyramids are still mixed, they are becoming an ever more forcible presence in our lives, helping us to see the world with different eyes. Valery Uvarov - scientist, a specialist in paleosciences and paleotechnology, ufologist. More than 22 years devoted to the study of heritage of ancient civilizations. Did aliens help the ancient Egyptians build one of the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza ? Some pyramids might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure. UFOs, Aliens and Pyramids are still baffling mankind, Valery Uvarovs UFOs & Russian Pyramids at Bosnian Pyramid Conference 2014 may shed some light on how and why the pyramids were built.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dr. Sabina DeVita - Secrets to Unlocking Your Intuition: The Pineal Gland Exposed

S y n o p s i s Dr. Sabina DeVita is international speaker, author, a holistic energy practitioner, registered nutritionist, environmentalist, energy psychologist inspires everyone to be informed about the synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde,damaging toxins, petrochemicals and even toxic hormone disruptors lurking in your home. In the end, your bodies or your children's bodies become the toxic waste dump! You'll also learn the latest in brain research, particularly the role of one of the most mysterious glands, your 'pineal gland' also referred to as the 'third eye', and how chemicals can impact your pineal and You in your creativity, your intuitive abilities, aging and more. Prevent illness, suffering and misery by going 'Real Green'! Wonderfully, she shows you how to make safe, affordable non-toxic choices for a healthy, safe and mold-free environment. In addition, she will help you to raise your 'home's frequencies' all while cleaning. You'll learn how to create your 'heaven on earth' in your home...that is your 'haven with energy!' With new understanding of what true, pure 'Real Green Essentials' oils can do for your body, mind and spirit - the reader will be guided to a UNIQUE, Simple, Spectacular,Vibrational & plant-based all organic household cleaning method! Learn valuable tips for all your household needs for your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom along with GREEN air fresheners and GREEN bug repellants. With her thoughtful, creative advice, Dr. Sabina DeVita gives you more than just creating an eco-friendly/eco-green, all organic home or office space. She shows you to Real Green clean and create a vibrationally-attuned home with new ways to activate your intuitive abilities - your Pineal gland (3rd eye chakra) all while cleaning! The 'Real Green Essentials' oils are so economical that you can eat and drink your cleaning products for a 'healthy' you! Now that's Real Green!

Monday, September 8, 2014

U.S. Warns ISIS Could Get Ahold Of Syria's Hidden Chemical Weapons

Jobs tumble but the unemployment rate drops to 6.1%. Job quality deteriorates again. 53 million people are now working in temp jobs. The tech sector has laid off 80,000 employees so far this year which is a 41% increase from last year. was hacked again. Putin has brokered a ceasefire deal between Ukraine and the South Eastern people. US troops or paid mercenaries are fighting in Iraq. EU countries could be purchasing hot oil from the Islamic State. Kiev might be planning to use a chemical attack on Donbass and put the blame on Russia. The US government is accusing Syria of hiding chemical weapons. This started back in Dec 2013. They are now reporting that ISIS could get a hold of the chemical weapons and use them.