Wednesday, December 18, 2013

QE or COLLAPSE ~ Fed Chooses Hyperinflation

Taper or no taper, the Fed will never end QE: Marc Faber

When the Federal Reserve announces its next move on Wednesday, some expect it to reduce its $85 billion monthly bond-buying program, targeting an eventual end to quantitative easing in late 2014. Others expect the Fed to begin to reduce the program in early 2014, or to finish it off by 2015. But Marc Faber has a different take altogether .

"The economic recovery, or so-called recovery, by June of next year, will be in the fifth year of the recovery," Faber said. "So at some stage the economy will weaken again, and at that point, the Fed will argue, 'Well, we haven't done enough, we have to do more.'"

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (12-18-13) Lew Rockwell & Ricardo Nieves

On this Wednesday, December 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest effort by corporate medicine and the establishment media to discredit and disparage the efficacy of vitamin supplements as the war on the health of the American people continues. Alex takes a look at comments by a former top NSA official who recently declared the United States is now effectively a police state and said the Stasi surveillance grid is not only for political crimes of those opposed to the bankster regime in control of government, but is also designed to facilitate the wholesale prosecution of petty crimes related to drugs and taxes. Guests today include anarcho-capitalist author and editor, Lew Rockwell, who is the founder of the founder and chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Alex also talks with Pennsylvania resident Ricardo Nieves, who went before the Reading city council to complain about the constitutional abuse conducted by local cops in collaboration with a private firm financed by a number of federal agencies stopping motorists and attempting to intimidate them into surrendering a DNA swab.

The Financial System On A Global Economic Scale Will Unravel

David Morgan : The Financial System On A Global Economic Scale Will Unravel

David Morgan of says, "The financial system on a global economic scale is in a place that has never ever been established before. So, it is very difficult to forecast how it will unravel." But, unravel it will. That's why Morgan says, "This is why I am such an advocate of hard money, gold and physical silver. You want to be early. You don't want to be late." What will the price of gold and silver be this time next year? Morgan says, "I think we'll see $30 to $34 silver and $1,700 gold by the end of 2014." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with silver expert David Morgan.

The Mentality Of An Off Gridder Prepare Yourself For The Move Off Grid

During the weekend I had a talk with Link Knight from youtube about the mentality of an off gridder. We discussed the mental preparations that are necessary for someone who is considering going off the grid.

Link's youtube channel is:
Link Knight

Taking that first step into energy independence can be a bit scary. The two of us have both taken the plunge fully into off grid living. Some people go off the grid step by step as budget or other situations allow.

If you are afraid to just jump ahead and go off the grid or your budget will not allow it then simply start slowly with a simple small solar panel and a few LED lights. Build up your system as finances allow and eventually you will be off the grid. This is one way to get your home off the grid with less stress.

There is not problem with taking the plunge as Link and I did though. It requires a bit of mental preparation first. You also do not need to be rich to do it. We both were thrown into our situation suddenly and unprepared. We both had to start out with very little and work out way up to a more comfortable living level as budget allowed.

Living off the grid requires a bit of a lifestyle adjustment as well. You have to learn how to use energy and water sparingly. There will no longer be unlimited energy and water at your fingertips. But the tradeoff is that you need never suffer a sudden and unexpected power outage again. Your own energy needs will be in your control.

A move to energy saving appliances is also necessary for budget off grid living. This can be things such as switching to LED light bulbs, a top open fridge or converted freezer and learning how to replace your power hungry appliances with old fashioned ways such as trading the slow cooker for a dutch oven.

Getting off the grid gives you a sense of freedom and peace.

Anyone can do it.

The Illuminati is Covered by Mainstream Media

Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.

Astronaut predicts humans will live on moon in his lifetime

Could a colony exist in 30-40 years?

L.A. Marzulli ~ Nephilim,Skulls,Alien,History

On this Tuesday edition of The Rundown Live, Kristan and I are joined with L.A. Marzulli, author, lecturer, and researcher to talk about some of his research and books that deal with ancient history of fallen angels, giants, nephilim. We go into all those topics including, nephilim, DNA, aliens implants, The Watchers series, L.A.'s blog, elite, the future, end times, and much more

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Edward Snowden Asks Brazil For Permanent Political Asylum So He Can Help With NSA Investigation

Edward Snowden Asks Brazil For Permanent Political Asylum So He Can Help With NSA Investigation

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Tuesday December 17 2013: Great Guests Today

On this bombshell Tuesday, December 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex completely exposes the accelerated destruction on property rights, privacy rights and national sovereignty. In New York, police harassed a man for washing his car in his own private driveway. In national news, a federal judge in Washington ruled that the NSA's domestic spying likely violates the Fourth Amendment and is "almost Orwellian" in scope. He also said that James Madison, the architect of the Constitution, would be aghast at the agency's dragnet. The plaintiff of the case, Larry Klayman, joins Alex to break down what this historic ruling means for Americans. William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American, also joins the show to explain in detail how the Trans-Pacific Partnership will erode U.S. sovereignty.

David Icke: The Vibrational Change

David Icke is one of the most visible outspoken and controversial speakers and writers about the Illuminati and the New World Order control agenda
Some David Icke Quotes :
A gift of truth is the gift of love.
David Icke

And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history.
David Icke
David Icke

Have you ever wondered what your subconscious mind looks like? Well today, I can show you.
David Icke

I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead.
David Icke

I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it.
David Icke

I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.
David Icke

I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
David Icke

In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were, for particular reasons of safety, withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to prevent total destruction of your planet.
David Icke

Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.
David Icke

One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way.
David Icke
David Icke
David Icke

So reports of my madness, as they say, were greatly exaggerated. Not that I give a bugger either way.
David Icke

The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.
David Icke

The Earth needs rebels!
David Icke

The reason most people don't express their individuality and actually deny it, is not fear of what prime ministers think of us or the head of the federal reserve, It's what their families and their friends down at the bar are going to think of them.
David Icke

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground.
David Icke


12/17/2013 Today we analyze newly released footage from China, depicting the lunar surface taken after having successfully landed the first moon rover on our celestial neighbor in 4 decades. But what exactly do the new images contain? Stay tuned for updates on this monumental achievement.

Nazi UFOs : Something Beyond this World ?

This show ventures to Germany and Poland to investigate rumors that the Third Reich had reverse engineered alien technology and may have produced a functional spacecraft, and how some of this technology was captured by the United States and helped jump start the U.S. space program. Military historian Igor Witkowski gives the team insight on "Die Glocke" (The Bell), an alleged top secret Nazi wunderwaffe.

In UFOlogy and conspiracy theory stories, claims or stories have circulated linking UFOs to Nazi Germany. The German UFO theories describe supposedly successful attempts to develop advanced aircraft or spacecraft prior to and during World War II, and further assert the post-war survival of these craft in secret underground bases in Antarctica, South America or the United States, along with their creators. According to the limited available information on the UFOs, various potential code-names or sub-classifications of Nazi UFO craft such as Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus, Haunebu, Hauneburg-Geräte, V7, Vril, Kugelblitz (not related to the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of the same name), Andromeda-Geräte, Flugkreisel, Kugelwaffen, and Reichsflugscheiben have all been referenced.

Accounts appear as early as 1950, likely inspired by historical German development of specialized engines such as Viktor Schauberger's "Repulsine" around the time of WWII. Elements of these claims have been widely incorporated into various works of fictional and purportedly non-fictional media, including video games and documentaries, often mixed with more substantiated information.

German UFO literature very often conforms largely to documented history on the following points:

The Third Reich claimed the territory of New Swabia in Antarctica, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others.[2]
The Third Reich conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry, Viktor Schauberger's engine research, flying wing craft and the Arthur Sack A.S.6 experimental circular winged aircraft.
Some UFO sightings during World War II, particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought by the Allies to be prototype enemy aircraft designed to harass Allied aircraft through electromagnetic disruption; a technology similar to today's electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons.

Le Matin des Magiciens, a 1960 book by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, made many spectacular claims about the Vril Society of Berlin. Several years later writers, including Jan van Helsing, Norbert-Jürgen Ratthofer, and Vladimir Terziski, have built on their work, connecting the Vril Society with UFOs. Among their claims, they imply that the society may have made contact with an alien race and dedicated itself to creating spacecraft to reach the aliens. In partnership with the Thule Society and the Nazi Party, the Vril Society developed a series of flying disc prototypes. With the Nazi defeat, the society allegedly retreated to a base in Antarctica and vanished into the hollow Earth to meet up with the leaders of an advanced race inhabiting inner Earth.

Federal Judge Says NSA Phone Surveillance Program "UNCONSTITUTIONAL"

A judge in America has ruled that the National Security Agency may have violated the Constitution by collecting telephone data. It follows a lawsuit over privacy violations - the first such judgement in open court. The NSA's been ordered to stop collecting data and to destroy the data it's already gathered. But it can't come into force yet because the government has at least 6 months to appeal. Chris Kitze, who moved his secure online messaging service to avoid U.S. intelligence control, says people would comply with legal searches - but not mass secret surveillance. Josh Gerstain, a Senior White House Reporter, considers that Snowden's revelations made the courts take the side of the victims of surveillance.

Monday, December 16, 2013

News In Two Minutes - Coup Attempt - Violent Muslim Riots - H7N9 - SK Warning - Drone Ban

Attempted Military Coup - India Warns On Border Control -- Violent Riot In Xinjiang -- New H7N9 Case With Up To 53 Quarantined -- South Korea Warns The North -- Yemen Bans Drone "Assassinations" -- Bangladesh Unrest -- Flooding -- Quakewatch.

James Walbert ~ Victim of Illegal Micro Chipping and Electronic Torture

James Walbert is a victim of illegal implantation of radio frequency microchips in his body without his knowledge or consent. 21 States have since starting forming legislation and investigative bodies to prevent further implantation and remote hacker of the human nervous systems of others.

Off-Grid Lifestyle Prompts Eviction, US Lobotomized 2K Vets,Soviet's Psychotronic Arms Race

Off-Grid Lifestyle Prompts Eviction, US Lobotomized 2K Vets,Soviet's Psychotronic Arms Race

A Chat With A Real Off Gridder - Down Under

Link Knight from youtube drove two whole days to come and visit me in Coffs Harbour Australia to share some of his own projects and experiments in off grid living.

His youtube channel is Link Knight

Link and I had a good weekend talking about various off grid topics. Some of the things discussed are solar panels and solar power consumption, water collection and energy savings.

Link lives on an off grid solar powered homestead in Australia. He has two separate solar power systems. One is for his fridge and another powers his laptop and lights.

Some parts of Australia subsidize rain water collection and even give you a free rain water tank if you need one. In many cases when you plan a home the rain water collection system must be included in the plans in order to even be approved at all.

Link has a couple options for a nice hot shower. One is with a hot water on demand system which he is not really impressed with. The other shower is a 12 volt camping system which is found in Australian outdoor shops and has a submersible water pump, hose and a shower. You provide a bucket full of hot water and have a nice, not shower literally anywhere.

This camp shower system is of interest to me for my RV. I am thinking that I may be able to connect the hot water line into the RV hot water lines and have hot water heated by the wood stove being pumped into the RV lines.

With this method I could either use the hot water on demand system or use the wood stove to heat up water for showering.

Link and I had a great weekend discussing off grid living and comparing our two very different systems.

Link only has 240 watts of solar panels and 200 AH of batteries but gets alone just fine. But he is in Australia and has a lot more sunlight per day than I ever do.

This is a real world system showing that with a little bit of money you can also be off the grid on a budget. His whole system only cost him 2400 to 3000 at full retail price.

This proves again that you can be fully off the grid on a budget.

Follow The Off Grid Project and get your home off the grid on a budget

Bring It, Mr. Boehner! ~ LibertyNEWS TV

As the federal budget proposal advances in Congress, many observers point to a GOP "civil war" - an intense, internal power struggle within a divided Republican Party. LNTV's Norvell Rose calls it a clear sign that principled conservatism is a cause to be reckoned with on Capitol Hill. 12.16.13

JFK Film: Fact vs. Fiction - Historical Inaccuracies, Analysis, Assassination Controversy (1992)

JFK is a 1991 American political thriller film directed by Oliver Stone. It examines the events leading to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and alleged subsequent cover-up through the eyes of former New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner).

Garrison filed charges against New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw (Tommy Lee Jones) for his alleged participation in a conspiracy to assassinate the President, for which Lee Harvey Oswald (Gary Oldman) was found responsible by two government investigations: the Warren Commission, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (which concluded that there could have been another assassin shooting with Oswald).

The film was adapted by Stone and Zachary Sklar from the books On the Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison and Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs. Stone described this account as a "counter-myth" to the Warren Commission's "fictional myth".

The film became embroiled in controversy. Upon JFK's theatrical release, many major American newspapers ran editorials accusing Stone of taking liberties with historical facts, including the film's implication that President Lyndon B. Johnson was part of a coup d'état to kill Kennedy. After a slow start at the box office, the film gradually picked up momentum, earning over $205 million in worldwide gross. JFK was nominated for eight Academy Awards (including Best Picture) and won two, Best Cinematography and Best Film Editing. It was the most successful of three films Stone made about the American Presidency, followed later by Nixon with Anthony Hopkins in the title role and W. with Josh Brolin as George W. Bush.

The film's opening encompasses newsreel footage (with narration by Martin Sheen), including President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address, warning about the build-up of the "military--industrial complex". This is followed by a summary of John Kennedy's years as President. Events shown are the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban missile crisis and the early days of the Vietnam War and Laotian Civil War. This builds to a reconstruction of the assassination on November 22, 1963. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison subsequently learns about potential links to the assassination in New Orleans. Garrison and his team investigate several possible conspirators, including private pilot David Ferrie, but are forced to let them go after the federal government publicly rebukes their investigation. Kennedy's alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is killed by Jack Ruby, and Garrison closes the investigation.

The investigation is reopened in late 1966 after Garrison talks to Senator Russell B. Long of Louisiana. Garrison then reads the Warren Report and notices what he believes are numerous inaccuracies and conflicts. Garrison and his staff interrogate several witnesses to the assassination, and others who were involved with Oswald, Ruby and Ferrie. Upon Garrison's informal questioning, Ferrie denies any knowledge of meeting Oswald, but he's soon suspected of conspiring to murder the President. Another witness is Willie O'Keefe, a male prostitute serving five years in prison for soliciting. As well as briefly meeting Oswald, O'Keefe was romantically involved with a man he knew as "Clay Bertrand" -- also known as Clay Shaw. O'Keefe reveals he witnessed Ferrie discussing the assassination with Shaw, Oswald and several Latin men. In Dallas, Texas, others come forward, including Jean Hill: she tells the investigators that she witnessed shots fired from the grassy knoll and she heard four to six shots total, but U.S. Secret Service agents threatened her into saying only three shots came from the Texas School Book Depository; the implication is that the Warren Commission made changes to her testimony. Garrison and a staff member also go to the sniper's location in the book depository and aim an empty rifle from the window through which Oswald allegedly shot Kennedy. They conclude that Oswald was too poor a marksman to make the shots, and two of the shots were much too close together, indicating the involvement of two additional assassins.

The Alex Jones Show Monday December 16 2013: Government Mind Control

On the Monday, December 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex analyzes the influx of terror-related events engulfing the United States as of late - from the FBI entrapment of a witless patsy at Wichita's Mid-Continent Airport, to shootings and bomb scares on college campuses - and reveals who ultimately stands to gain from these events. Alex also looks in depth at the results of a Boston Globe investigation which found Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev believed he had been brainwashed, or hypnotized, to act on trigger phrases, claims which match up identically with those of previous notorious assassins, such as 'Batman' shooter James Holmes and RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan. On today's show, Alex also examines the inherent incompetence of the ongoing Obama-care fiasco, and catalogs the latest victories and losses in the war on the Constitution and freedom at large. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

Alex Jones Breaks Down Colorado's Socialist Shooter

Alex runs down the latest on the Colorado shooter's professed love of socialism and the wrecking ball policies of the British economist John Maynard Keynes. Alex also covers the latest on the selfie narcissist-in-chief, Barack Obama, who is scheduled to take another long and leisurely vacation following his most recent notable failure, the crash and burn of the Obamacare website that will ultimately cost the American people around a billion dollars to remedy and is already sucking money out bank accounts. Obama has also tried to kickstart the Democrat blitzkrieg aimed squarely at the Second Amendment by exploiting the anniversary of the Newtown massacre to push for new restrictions on firearms.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Military Weaponry & Technology of the Beast

Military Weaponry & Technology of the Beast

Survival Skills : Food Storage 101

I go into detail about how to "start out" a successful food storage. Follow these guidelines and you will save a ton of money and time. This is a subject in which my wife and I are pretty good at so listen up! I failed to mention that you should have a ton of Water in your food storage preps as well. While I'm not LDS here is a link to a free download that an LDS prepper put together

 In the SECOND PART where I go into detail about how to "start out" a successful food storage. Follow these guidelines and you will save a ton of money and time. This is a subject in which my wife and I are pretty good at so listen up! I failed to mention that you should have a ton of Water in your food storage preps as well. While I'm not LDS here is a link to a free download that an LDS prepper put together.

News In Two Minutes - Massive Protests - Barrel Bombs - Radiation Warning - Overpopulation - Bitcoin

Massive Anti Government Protests - Barrel Bombs Dropped On Syrians - Record High Radiation -- Tepco Failure -- Overpopulation Leading To Unrest -- Unconfirmed MERS Cases -- Bitcoin Warning -- Quakewatch.

NIBIRU Caught On Tape NASA Neowise Space Telescope (15 December 2013)

NIBIRU Caught On Tape NASA Neowise Space Telescope (15 December 2013)

Mid-East Prophecy Update - December 15th, 2013

Pastor JD talks about the current push to reach the illusive peace agreement in order for Jews and Palestinians to live side by side in peace and security under the banner of a divided Jerusalem.

Michael Tellinger on The Hundredth Monkey Radio December16 2013

Michael Tellinger  has become one of South Africa's bestselling export authors. His regular articles on human origins and his book Slave Species of god have been praised by readers in over 20 countries.

Michael is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues, scrutinizing every clue meticulously. He graduated in 1983 from the University Of Witwatersrand Medical School, Johannesburg, with a B.Pharmaceutics degree, a passion for the cosmos, genetics and human history.

His research and astute understanding of his subject matter has made him a regular guest on many radio shows in the USA and UK with popular hosts like George Noory on Coast to Coast; Kevin Smith, Hillary Raimo, American Freedom Radio, Howard Hughes in the UK; the Camelot Project, and more.

The Largest UFO Sighting in History ?

The show joins Out of the Blue filmmaker James Fox on an investigation of an April 21, 2008 mass-sighting report of a triangular craft spotted over the Nevada/Arizona border to as far as Tucson and looks at connections to the "Phoenix Lights" incident of 1997.

The Phoenix Lights (sometimes called the "Lights over Phoenix") were a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over Arizona, Nevada in the United States, and Sonora, Mexico on Thursday, March 13, 1997.

Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of people between 19:30 and 22:30 MST, in a space of about 300 miles (480 km), from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson.

There were allegedly two distinct events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to pass over the state, and a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area. The United States Air Force identified the second group of lights as flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft that were on training exercises at the Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona.

Witnesses claim to have observed a huge carpenter's square-shaped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Fife Symington, the governor at the time, was one witness to this incident; he later called the object "otherworldly."

At about 18:55 PST (19:55 MST), a man reported seeing a V-shaped object above Henderson, Nevada. He said it was about the "size of a (Boeing) 747", sounded like "rushing wind", and had six lights on its leading edge. The lights reportedly traversed northwest to the southeast.

An unidentified former police officer from Paulden, Arizona is claimed to have been the next person to report a sighting after leaving his house at about 20:15 MST. As he was driving north, he allegedly saw a cluster of reddish or orange lights in the sky, comprising four lights together and a fifth light trailing them. Each of the individual lights in the formation appeared to the witness to consist of two separate point sources of orange light. He returned home and through binoculars watched the lights until they disappeared south over the horizon.

Ukraine is The New Front : Dr. Bill Deagle with Jeff Rense 12.12.13

The Jeff Rense Program
December 12th, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

CHINA LANDS ON THE MOON, History is made today

History is made today , December 14th 2013,, As china lands on the moon for the first time. It has been nearly 4 decades since Anyone has landed on the Moon!

Bosnian Pyramids And Bigfoot - 12/13/2013

From the mysterious mounds of Bosnia where ancient pyramids seem to have been unearthed, to the North American wild where Bigfoot roams, we're exploring the far edges of history, science and the origins and nature of life on Terra.

In the first hour, I'll be joined by Thomas Hughes, a man who claims that he has a telepathic connection with Bigfoot. Hughes, who stands around 6'7" was struck by lightning when he was twenty-two and since then, he's had an ability to tap into psychic realms, including the minds of Bigfoot. We'll find out a lot more about Sasquatch and Hughes experience with the mysterious Bigfoot.

In hour number two, I'll be speaking with Dr. Sam Osmanagich, a Houston based, researcher from Bosnia who has published ten books on anthropology including his two latest, "Ancient History From Beyond The Veil" and "Pyramids Around The World & Lost Pyramids Of Bosnia." "Dr. Sam" as he likes to be called has been tunneling and excavating through what appears to be the largest pyramids on the planet.

Bitcoin Bubble : BitCoin is RED HOT ~ Should I Invest?

Bitcoins Fail Currency Test in Scandinavia's Richest Nation

Schiff: Bitcoin resembles the tulip bubble

More bitcoins, more problems: How hackers are targeting bitcoins

The Second Roswell UFO Crash Site

This show looks into rumors of the crash site of a flying disk recovered by the military in New Mexico on the same night of the famous Roswell UFO Incident.

The story goes this way: At the very same time as the Roswell crash on July 3, 1947, something most peculiar may have happened somewhere on the San Agustin Plains. Nothing at all was heard about any odd events on the plains for many years. Some locals who were around in those days recall a lot of planes flying around behind Shaw Mt. in the Coyote Peak area. This unusual amount of aerial activity went on for some months, well into the fall of 1947. This may account for the USAAFL-3 spotter plane crash at Horse Springs. It seems that in the summer of 1947, a retired rancher from the Plains area was driving on old route NM 12 about 20 miles south of Datil, when he noticed what he took to be a child walking in a pasture near the highway. This was a remote area where unattended children are never seen. He decided to stop and see if he could help. He parked his truck, opened a barb wire gate and went towards the "child." As he got closer, he noticed it was unlike any human child he had ever seen and it was not wearing children's clothing, but a one piece gray outfit. He encouraged it towards the gate and his pickup truck parked on the shoulder. It was apparently dazed but cooperative. When he got to the truck he picked up the child and put it in the front seat of his pickup. He said at this point it was very scared. He noticed four long fingers, but no thumbs, no ears, fairly large eyes. Traveling a few miles down the road, the rancher reached a little town of Horse Springs. There he turned north towards Green's Gap where he lived. Green's Gap was not a town, but the designation of a valley between hillsides. There was once a store here and a cluster of building which the locals called Green's Gap. It is 12 miles north of Horse Springs, NM between NM Highway 12 and US Highway 60. When he reached home, he brought the "child" into his house. His wife offered it food and water, but it would not take any. It did calm down some and they were able to get it into a chair. They contacted the Catron Country Sheriff's office; a deputy was due out the next morning. When the couple went to bed they left it sitting in the chair. When they got up the next morning, it was gone. Local lore has it that two years later in August of 1949, a crashed UFO was found with alien bodies, we believe it may have been on the south side of Pelona Mt. In the summer of 1947, Barney Barnett made his discovery of a crashed disk about a mile from NM Highway 12, within several miles of where the rancher allegedly found the strange child. Barnet said that three or four alien bodies were at the crash site. We assume the beings that Barney saw looked like the child and were on the ground outside of the craft. None appeared to be alive. Barnett said the craft had been split open on the edge. Indications are the craft Barnett discovered came down at night and occasional car lights would have been very visible from the crash site for some seven-hundred feet, in the slightly hilly terrain. A crash at Pelona Mt., or any of the surrounding remote peaks in the vicinity, would present a different set of conditions for an alien making its way from, on or around the area peaks and rugged terrain in between. Pelona Mt. is the highest peak n the immediate area at 9,220 feet. The mountain is about 15 miles south of Horse Springs (where the rancher turned north with his passenger). Many of the mountains including Pelona Mt., is steeper on the north side where it overlooks the Plains, than on the south side where the terrain is less steep and suitable for livestock grazing.

Recently a book about the case was written, "UFO Crash at San Augustin" (aka Agustine), and some UFO "experts" like Stanton Friedman and Chuck Wade claims the event at San Agustin really happened. This event may or may not be true, but the author and others are continuing to investigate it.

News In Two Minutes - US Shellfish Ban - NK Destabilizes - Plague Worsens - Drug Shortages

China Bans US Shellfish -- Philippines Disaster Continues -- North Korea Destabilizes -- H7N9 Closes Chinese Markets -- Bubonic Plague Worsens -- Geomagnetic Shock -- Iran Drug Shortages -- Quakewatch.

Human Freedom: It's Now or Never! - Stefan Molyneux on The Alex Jones Show

Stefan Molyneux joins The Alex Jones Show to discuss the future of human freedom, the minable resource known as white guilt and the positives of libertarian slander.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Gun Debate: 3D Printing and the Future of Guns

A year after the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. RT America hosts a rational, fact-based debate on guns and their role in American society. Moderator Abby Martin hosts a panel discussion with investigative journalist Ben Swann; Leah Gunn Barrett, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence; Richard Feldman, president of Independent Firearms Owners Association; and 2012 Green Party presidential Candidate Jill Stein. In this final part of the debate, Martin asks how gun possession and regulation be affected by the advent of 3D printing, when people will be able to print guns in their own homes. RT correspondent Meghan Lopez joins to ask the panel questions posed by viewers on social media.

Infowars Nightly News for Friday, December 13, 2013 (Full Show): Sheriff Richard Mack

On The December 13, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts With Special Guest Sheriff Mack On Jury Nullification. News Covered: Defense Analysts: U.S. Should Plan For War With China. Feds say they disrupted suicide bomb plot by worker at Wichita airport. White House Front Group Vows to Target Alternative Media. Defense Analysts: U.S. Should Plan For War With China. Kim Jong-un executes uncle: Jang Song-thaek had been North Korea's No. 2. Iraq is still bleeding 10 years after Saddam Hussein's capture. Al-qaeda gains members after 15 killed in drone strike. Lawmakers who oversee government surveillance programs receive millions. Man Claims Harassment From Telemarketers After Signing Up For Obamacare. 'Mandela signer faced murder rap in 2003' IMF Wants a 71 Percent Tax Rate.

Man Banned from Walmart for Life

An Arizona man has been banned FOR LIFE from all Walmarts. Joe Cantrell, from Arizona, was requesting a price-match on some Christmas decorations at the Walmart in San Tan Valley but was denied by an employee. After talking to a manager, the police were called. 4 days later, we was cuffed by Sheriff's deputies and escorted out of the store. He has received a letter from Walmart HQ banning him from all of their locations.

Alien Scriptures and Ancient Aliens With Rev. Michael Carter - Gnostic Warrior

Welcome to episode #34 of the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast where I have the pleasure of interviewing author Reverend Michael Carter. You may have seen him on some episodes of "Ancient Aliens" a few years ago. He talks about his book "Alien Scriptures" where he brings his message to the Gnostic Warrior audience, that the bible is a document of UFO-ET interaction with people from the Holy Land.

Michael is an ordained interfaith minister and received his BA Degree in Letters from the College of New Rochelle where he graduated cum laude. He received his Masters In Divinity Degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City (class of 2000).

This interview was conducted by Moe on December 12, 2013 from San Diego County, California, with Rev. Carter in Ashville, North Carolina.

Kim Jong-un Executes his Uncle

Kim Jong-un's Uncle was executed yesterday. Details in this report.

Obama orders Media Matters to attack alternative media

President Obama has given his marching orders to his state run media outlet to try and discredit the alternative media sites on the Internet. Media matters claims they brought down fox news and their assignment was a complete success. It was for fox news any ways, as they are now the largest and most trusted mainstream media outlet on television.

Alex Jones Show: Friday (12-13-13) Max Keiser & Stefan Molyneux

On this Friday, December 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the government's targeting of Bitcoin currency in an effort to eliminate any meaningful competition, no matter how minor, to its fiat paper money hegemony. Alex also looks at a plan by the IMF to jack up tax rates into the stratosphere as the globalists continue their consolidation move. He talks about the economic Ponzi scheme with former stock broker and commentator Max Keiser. Alex also talks with Canadian blogger, essayist, author, philosopher and host of the Freedomain Radio series of podcasts, Stefan Molyneux. Alex provides incisive commentary on the latest breaking news and takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

News In Two Minutes - Execution Leads To Unrest - Sea Star Die Off - Bankers Jailed - Protests

Gulf Leaders Vow Military Cooperation -- Chemical Weapons Report -- Islamist Execution Leads To Sectarian Unrest In Bangladesh -- Sea Star Die Off -- Iceland Jails Bankers -- Ukrainian Protests -- Quakewatch.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Friends of our channel and YouTubers welcome.
Answers of an alien from Andromeda -- video hundred and nine - December 12, 2013.
Encounter date: December 11, 2013.Atlantic time.


The Hawk On The Survive To Thrive Broadcast Via Thurs 12/12/13

Japan: Smart Green Homes on the Horizon

Smart green homes are in Japan's future. Home Energy Management Systems are among some of the hottest technologies being developed in Japan to make households energy efficient and eco-friendly. Constantino de Miguel reports.

Ron Paul: The Dangerous Possibilities of Current Political Agendas

Alex is joined by former US Congressman Dr. Ron Paul to discuss the egregious acts by the Executive Office by the United States the dangers of coming tyranny if we continue down the political road we are currently on.

No Agenda Show: Thursday (12-12-13) Episode 573 - NEETS

No Agenda Show: Thursday (12-12-13) Episode 573 - NEETS

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday December 12 2013: Ron Paul

Impending dollar collapse
-- Date: 12/12/2013 --
On the Thursday, December 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones examines the unprecedented police state rollout in New York City in the run up to the Super Bowl, and takes a look at Homeland Security's decision to finally fire the man that advocated a genocidal race war. Alex also analyzes the great "congressional budget compromise" and how it still ends up screwing the American taxpayer, and continues outlining the ill effects stemming with the Obamacare train wreck. Joining Alex today is former Congressman Ron Paul. The stalwart libertarian and three time presidential contender will discuss Obama's actions becoming more and more dictatorial, the Republican budget sellout, the out-of-control rise of police corruption and the slow motion implosion of the American dollar.

Mass UFO Sightings : Famous Police Cold Cases

This show reopens famous police cold-cases involving mass UFO sightings such as the 1994 Trumbull County, Ohio and Holland, Michigan sightings and the 2000 Millstadt, Illinois case where 911 dispatchers were flooded with calls and police radio chatter of strange lights moving slowly through the sky.

A sector of conspiracy theory with a particularly detailed mythology is the extraterrestrial phenomenon, which has become the basis for numerous pieces of popular entertainment, the Area 51/Grey Aliens conspiracy, and allegations surrounding the Dulce Base. It is alleged that the United States government conspires with extraterrestrials involved in the abduction and manipulation of citizens. A variant tells that particular technologies, notably the transistor—were given to American industry in exchange for alien dominance. The enforcers of the clandestine association of human leaders and aliens are the Men in Black, who silence those who speak out on UFO sightings. This conspiracy theory has been the basis of numerous books, as well as the popular television show The X-Files and the Men in Black film series. The X-Files based the plots of many of its episodes around urban legends and conspiracy theories, and had a framing plot which postulated a set of interlocking conspiracies controlling all recent human history.

There are claims about secret experiments known as the Montauk Project conducted at Camp Hero, Montauk, New York. Allegedly, the project was developing a powerful psychological war weapon. The project is often connected to other alleged government projects such as the Philadelphia Experiment and Project Rainbow, both of which involved the use of unified field theory to cloak vessels. Experiments involving teleportation, time travel, contact with extraterrestrials, and mind control are frequently alleged to have been conducted in the camp. Preston B. Nichols has written five books on the subject, including Montauk Project: Experiments in time.
Evil aliens

A somewhat different version of this theory maintains that humanity is actually under the control of shape-shifting alien reptiles, who require periodic ingestion of human blood to maintain their human appearance. David Icke has been a devoted proponent of this theory. According to Icke, the Bush family and the British Royal Family are actually such creatures, and Diana, Princess of Wales was aware of this, presumably relating to her death. Margaret Thatcher is also believed to have been an important figure in the reptilian secret army. David Icke's theory, which encompasses many other conspiracy theories, is that humanity is actually under the reptilians; with evidence ranging from Sumerian tablets describing the "Anunnaki" (which he translates as "those who from heaven to earth came"), to the serpent in the Biblical Garden of Eden, to child abuse and water fluoridation. Another well-known alien conspiracy is known as Project Blue beam, supposedly a NASA and government psychological operation involving a fake alien invasion, along with light and laser shows in the sky, and false reports of UFO landings, to fake the second coming of Christ, as depicted in the Bible's Rapture, in order to bring about a global New Age religion with the Antichrist as head.