Monday, July 15, 2013

How to beat a GOLD SHORTAGE

Gold is sold out! Or so you might think if you miss the true nature of coin supply...

By Miguel Perez-Santalla

Over the last few years, during the great investment demand for gold and silver, we have seen sporadic shortages in bullion coins.
Many people have written about these shortages as a harbinger of things to come in precious metals more widely. One of the fads is to decry supply issues in silver and now recently gold. However, the truth of the matter is less dramatic, if not quite so simple.
In most cases, supply issues with silver or gold coins are caused by abnormal or let's say surprising increases in demand from bullion coin buyers. Simply put, coins don't come out of thin air. They need to be manufactured. This all takes time and money. No one wants to tie up their money in a product that is not going to sell. That exposes gold and silver buyers to "just in time" inventory gaps if it's coins they want to buy.
silver shortage
Imagine you are selling a low-cost product with a high margin. It is much more likely that you will have enough inventories for almost all eventualities. Look at a typical retail product – how about lip balm? I don't really know the costs but I can guess. Some of the more premium brands sell individually for $10 each and more, but many quality brands sell for $1.00 or so.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Ned Naylor-Leyland: we know that the monetary system is broken

Episode 140: Alasdair Macleod interviews Ned Naylor-Leyland of Quilter Cheviot Investment Management. Ned discusses his recent paper (
­e-July-2013) and his view that gold has actually been in backwardation a lot longer than this just this last week. Ned sees this backwardation as a very telling point when one considers the large aboveground stock of gold.

Ned brings up a very interesting point regarding velocity within the LBMA physical gold market versus the paper money markets. Physical gold, which should sit relatively still, is moving while currency velocity is low.

They then discuss daily trading volumes and the fractional nature of the precious metals markets before analysing the movement of physical metal, from West to East.

This podcast was recorded on 12 July 2013.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: A savvy family will use money problems as a way to grow smarter together.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: A savvy family will use money problems - and working through solutions - as a way to grow smarter together.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: For many, a student loan will be the proverbial albatross around their neck for life

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: For many, a student loan will be the proverbial albatross around their neck for life.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

The road to success isn't necessarily the one you've been told

Robert Kiyosaki : The road to success isn't necessarily the one you've been told.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Governments are going bust

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Governments are going bust, unable to fund the retirement pension plans of their public workers
Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Good Debt is debt that someone else pays for you. Bad debt is debt you pay for.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: One of the basic understandings of the rich is: Good debt is debt that someone else pays for you. Bad debt is debt you pay for.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

If you want to be rich, learning to control your subconscious mind before thinking and making decisions is vital

Robert Kiyosaki : If you want to be rich, learning to control your subconscious mind before thinking and making decisions is vital

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Money does not make you happy, but the lack of money can cause unhappiness

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Money does not make you happy, but the lack of money can cause unhappiness.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

The reason they are called brokers is because they are often broker than you

Robert Kiyosaki : The reason they are called brokers is because they are often broker than you.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

To make a change, don't lead the masses. Lead the leaders.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: To make a change, don't lead the masses. Lead the leaders.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Shocking Gold News: 'The Gold is Gone'

Veteran Precious Metals Advisor Tom Cloud reveals the latest shocking information about the gold claimed by the Federal Reserve and Germany. Tom also gives a technical and fundamental analysis of gold, silver, and palladium. Check our Youtube page each week for a new precious metals market update.

For the best prices on precious metals, call Tom Cloud at (800) 247-2812. Free shipping and insurance on every order made by our Youtube audience!

Crop Circles & Energy Vortexes

Intuitive researcher, lecturer and filmmaker David Wilcock discussed his recent research on crop circles and energy vortexes. According to the work of Ivan Sanderson, there are 12 points (or 'Vile Vortices') around the Earth where ships and planes disappear, not just the Bermuda Triangle. Storms tend to begin in these areas, which also exhibit gravitational anomalies and magnetic fluctuations. These points, via particles and vibration, affect the geometric shape of the continents and the atmosphere, Wilcock detailed.

This past July he traveled to England to observe crop circles first hand, including one formation that was octahedral in shape. While agreeing that some circles are human-made, he noted that researchers have found the soil under crop circles to have drier, looser consistency than the soil near by. Crystals have also been found in the crop circle soil, which could only grow at temperature levels that would normally be much too hot for the plants to survive, he said. "The reason why these crystals are forming and the soil gets so dry is that the technology that makes these circles involves drawing water up out of the ground," Wilcock suggested.

He connected the patterns of crop circles with the geometric processes of the Earth's vortexes. Further, some of the crop circles' symbolic messages have related to DNA change and soul evolution, as well as the downfall of the New World Order, he said. For more on Wilcock's work, check out his YouTube video channel, which includes his lecture 2012 Event Horizon.


David Wilcock is a professional intuitive consultant who, since reading Richard C. Hoagland's "The Monuments of Mars" in 1993, has intensively researched ufology, ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the author of a critically acclaimed trilogy of scientific research works, known as the Convergence series, which gives definitive support to the idea that a change in matter, energy and consciousness is now occurring on the Earth and throughout the solar system.

A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop circles are also referred to as crop formations, because they are not always circular in shape. The documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times. In 1991, two hoaxers confessed and claimed authorship of circles throughout England.

Twenty six countries reported approximately 10,000 crop circles in the last third of the 20th century; 90% of those were located in southern England. Many of the formations appearing in that area are positioned near ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge. According to one study, nearly half of all circles found in the UK in 2003 were located within a 15 km (9.3 miles) radius of Avebury. Archeological remains can cause cropmarks in the fields, in the shapes of circles and squares, but they do not appear overnight and they are always in the same places every year.

Sketch of a "spaceship" creating crop circles, sent to UK Ministry of Defence circa 1998.

Since becoming the focus of widespread media attention in the 1980s, crop circles have become the subject of speculation by various paranormal, ufological, and anomalistic investigators ranging from proposals that they were created by bizarre meteorological phenomena to messages from extraterrestrial beings. Many crop circles have been found near ancient sites such as Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire. They have also been found near mounds of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves, also known as tumuli barrows, or barrows and chalk horses, or trenches dug and filled with rubble made from brighter material than the natural bedrock, often chalk. There has also been speculation that crop circles have a relation to ley lines. Many New Age groups incorporate crop circles into their belief systems.

Some[who?] have related crop circles to spiritual reformations of the Gaia hypothesis, claiming that "Gaia", the earth, is actually alive and that crop circles are messages or responses to stimuli such as global warming and human pollution. It asserts that the earth may be modeled as if a single super-organism, in that earthly components (e.g. biota, climate, temperature, sunlight, etc.) influence each other and are organized to function and develop as a whole. Responding to local beliefs that "extraterrestrial beings" in UFOs were responsible for crop circles appearing, the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) described crop circles as "man-made". Thomas Djamaluddin, research professor of astronomy and astrophysics at LAPAN stated: "We have come to agree that this 'thing' cannot be scientifically proven. Among others, paranormal enthusiasts, ufologists, and anomalistic investigators have offered hypothetical explanations

Saturday, July 13, 2013

NASA Photograph Cover Up & Face on Mars

NASA Secrets - Photograph Cover-Up & Face on Mars - NASA & Roswell Link 2011

Nick Redfern has been interested in UFOs since 1978. His main area of research centers around determining what has been learned about the UFO subject at an official level in Britain. He has spent hundreds of hours at the Public Record Office in London, and has uncovered thousands of pages of previously-classified Royal Air Force, Air Ministry and Ministry of Defense files on UFOs dating from the Second World War. Nick is the author of several best-selling books on UFOs including: The FBI Files: The FBI's UFO Top Secrets Exposed; and Cosmic Crashes: The Incredible Story Of The UFOs That Fell To Earth. Nick also lectures on the UFO subject both in the U.K. and abroad.

British ufologist and author Nick Redfern argued that NASA has hidden from the public, evidence of UFO visitations to the Earth, and astronaut sightings of UFOs in space, as well as been involved in cover-ups such as with the Roswell Incident, and the Face on Mars. "The more you look into it, the more we do find profound and fascinating stories that link NASA with UFOs, alien encounters, conspiracies...and different phenomena," he reported. One document from 1965 detailed a joint FBI/NASA effort to catch a NASA whistleblower who was leaking UFO information and photographs to NICAP. Around that time, the Gemini 4 spacecraft was said to have a UFO detection system built into it, he added.

A former NASA employee, Donna Hare, revealed that NASA actively covered up and altered or airbrushed photographic evidence, said Redfern. Similarly, an employee at Langley Field, Virginia, Karl Wolfe, said there was an effort to cover-up photographic evidence of a large base on the far side of the moon. It was Donna Hare's story that inspired Gary McKinnon to hack into NASA's computer system to look for photos, and he reportedly ran across the phrase "non-terrestrial officers," Redfern noted.

NASA has also been interested in alien abductions. They've been clandestinely monitoring this scenario with their own think tank, said Redfern, and concluded the abductions are of a rather ominous nature. In general, NASA may be hiding the truth for a variety of reasons, including:

The implications of ET life disturbs our world view.
The admission that we are not in control of our skies.
Technology from recovered UFOs could replace or upset our current forms of energy

The Secret World of Gold

The Secret World of Gold

Ban and criminalized all forms of electronic currencies and transactions. Go back to gold and silver backed paper currency with a periodic and surprised auditing of all gold and silver physical commodities with assaying complete with complete public transparency and questioning from the public with independent private auditing and assaying.The people of the illuminati is manipulating the price of gold. They are dumping the price because on July 17th they going to simulate an attack on San Francisco will be just an other false flag to start a crisis an a war so you better buy gold before July 17th 2013...learn about the illuminati and their plans.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: When times are really bad is when times are about to get really good. Strive on

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: When times are really bad is when times are about to get really good. Strive on

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Kiyosaki ‏: Life isn’t fair; it never will be. Get over it and strive on

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Life isn’t fair; it never will be. Get over it and strive on.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Friday, July 12, 2013

How are Silver Coins Minted?

A behind the scenes look at how silver coins are struck.

This special tour follows the process of minting a silver coin from raw silver to final strike. Filmed at the North West Territorial Mint near Reno, NV, it covers the whole process of producing a one ounce silver round.

Presented by Endeavour Silver Corp. as part of the Endeavour Silver Series of educational films on all things silver.

Gold Coins Shortage: Does It Mean Tight Supply?

Yes, if it's gold coins you're after. But not if it's gold bullion in other forms...
OVER the last few years, during the great investment demand for precious metals, we have seen sporadic shortages in silver and gold coins, writes Miguel Perez-Santalla at BullionVault.
Many people have written about these shortages as a harbinger of things to come in precious metals more widely. One of the fads is to decry supply issues in silver and now recently gold.
However, the truth of the matter is less dramatic, if not quite so simple.
In most cases, supply issues with silver or gold coins are caused by abnormal or let's say surprising increases in demand from bullion coin buyers. Simply put, coins don't come out of thin air. They need to be manufactured. This all takes time and money. No one wants to tie up their money in a product that is not going to sell. That exposes gold and silver buyers to "just in time" inventory gaps if it's coins they want to buy.
Imagine you are selling a low-cost product with a high margin. It is much more likely that you will have enough inventories for almost all eventualities. Look at a typical retail product – how about lip balm? I don't really know the costs but I can guess. Some of the more premium brands sell individually for $10 each and more, but many quality brands sell for $1.00 or so.
I have never seen a retailer that sells this product run out. Though it is possible, most likely that chance is very remote because I believe their profit margin is probably around 100% or more. This typically is called the Keystone markup. My guess is that the retailer pays lower than $.50 for each one of these $1.00 lip balms. So their profit of 50 cents or more covers any carrying charges that may be represented from holding the inventory.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Assets that Cash flow will generate income for generations.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Assets that Cash flow will generate income for generations. Generations! Think about that!

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Frank Joseph Hoff on | Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found

Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas


Researcher of ancient mysteries, Frank Joseph Hoff, spoke about his contention that Atlantis is located on land under the South China Sea near Indonesia, based on the work of the late Brazilian geologist Arysio Santos. A continent that contained Lemuria was damaged around 74,000 years ago from volcanic eruptions, and the residents rebuilt their civilization over the next 60,000 years into what was known as Atlantis, he outlined. They were a seafaring trading empire, with their capital city using the Lombak Strait which connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean, he continued. The word Atlantis, first used by Plato, actually refers to the opposite side of the world from Europe, he noted.

Atlantis was known for having huge elephants and at the Bandung Museum in Indonesia, there are fossil skeletons of giant elephants, close to the size of woolly mammoths, Hoff added. He also talked about the Indonesian Gunung Padang Pyramid Mountain (related images), which may date as far back as 14,000 to 16,000 years ago, according to carbon testing. Geologist Andang Bachtiar, a member of the Indonesian Task Force that studies ancient ruins in Indonesia, briefly joined the show, and reported there is evidence for a devastating ancient tsunami.

Why Smart Investors Love Gold and Silver Prices Today - Jerry Robinson

On this week's show, we are joined by Tom Cloud on gold, Sandstorm CEO Nolan Watson on mining, and filmmaker Adam Makarenko on the strange Windsor Hum.

Gold Outlook 2013: Why is Gold Dropping Now?

On this week's show, we share highlights from this week's Precious Metals Investing webinar...

Gold Miners to Trough Into 2014

Troubled times for gold miners will trough through the next six months, U.S. Global Investors's Frank Holmes tells TheStreet's Joe Deaux.

Forgotten Civilization Ancient Cataclysms

Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. discussed how coronal mass ejections from the sun unleashed discharges upon Earth which destroyed ancient advanced cultures. Schoch declared. To that end, he noted that ancient hieroglyphs, such as Easter Island's rongorongo script, appear to depict plasma phenomena in the sky as observed by the denizens of Earth. Additionally, Schoch cited ice core studies, lunar materials, and the preponderance of ancient, seemingly abandoned, monuments as evidence for such an event. To that end, he pointed to Turkey's Gobekli Tepe site, which has been dated to this time frame and, he believes, was purposely buried by its creators, as an indication that the ancients tried to protect their civilization from the solar event.

Based on his research, Schoch surmised that these coronal mass ejection events happen roughly every 10,000 years and that the Earth is due to be hit again soon. Additionally, "super energetic electrons and protons" would blast the Earth, damaging electronics, and earthquakes as well as volcanic activity would be induced. While Schoch dismissed the idea that the Mayan calendar is an exact prediction of the next coronal mass ejection, he did suggest that the infamous timetable is alluding to such an event. Ultimately, he warned that "any time between now and the next five years, even ten years," the planet could fall victim to the massive solar blast.

Schoch also provided an update on his research into the Sphinx and contended that there "absolutely something under the left paw." He explained that seismic investigation into this anomaly indicates that the chamber is 12 by 9 meters and theorized that there is a cliff base beneath the sands of the Sphinx where a door likely leads into the mysterious structure. Unfortunately, Schoch lamented that the rising water tables in Egypt are now likely flooding the chamber, which makes timely exploration of the find to be of paramount importance. Connecting his Sphinx research with the study of coronal mass ejections, Schoch speculated that the structure was contemporaneous with the Gobekli Tepe monument and depicted a male lion which would indicate a message, of sorts, concerning the sun.

Various existential risks have the potential to destroy, or drastically restrict, human civilization; could cause human extinction; or even cause the end of Earth. Severe events could cause the extinction of all life on the planet Earth, the destruction of the planet Earth, the annihilation of the solar system, to the annihilation of our galaxy or even the entire universe. Existential risks are distinguished from other forms of risk both by their scope, affecting all of humanity, and severity; destroying or irreversibly crippling the target.

Natural disasters, such as supervolcanoes and asteroids, may pose existential risks if sufficiently powerful, though man-made events could also threaten the survival of intelligent life on Earth, like catastrophic global warming, nuclear war, or bioterrorism.

While individual threats, such as those posed by nuclear war or climate change, have been intensively studied on their own, the systematic study of existential risks did not begin until 2002.

Future scenarios

Some that will almost certainly end life on Earth are certain to occur, but on a very long timescale. Others are likely to happen on a shorter timescale, but will probably not completely destroy civilization.

Some foreseen hazards which have been excluded from the list on grounds that they seem too unlikely to cause a global terminal disaster are: solar flares, supernovae, black hole explosions or mergers, gamma-ray bursts, galactic center outbursts, buildup of air pollution, gradual loss of human fertility, and various religious doomsday scenarios.

Biotechnology could lead to the creation of a pandemic, chemical warfare could be taken to an extreme, nanotechnology could lead to grey goo in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all living matter on Earth while building more of themselves - in both cases, either deliberately or by accident.

It has also been suggested that in the pursuit of knowledge humanity might inadvertently create a device that could destroy Earth and our solar system.

Warfare and mass destruction

The scenarios that have been explored most frequently are nuclear warfare and a Doomsday device. It is difficult to predict whether it would exterminate humanity, but very certainly could alter civilizations in the event of a nuclear winter.

Present trends of overpopulation, economic development, and non-sustainable agriculture. Most of these scenarios involve one or more of the following: Holocene extinction event, scarcity of water that could lead to approximately one half of the Earth's population being without safe drinking water, pollinator decline, overfishing, massive deforestation, desertification, climate change, or massive water pollution episodes

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Silver Unboxing: Adding more oz to the stack.

If lower priced govt issued coins is what you're looking for, order Philharmonics & Maple Leafs. They are both government issued with less premium. Might be a great way to accumulate a lot more w/out a lot of premium.

Silver & Gold : There is some dislocation in the Physical Market

Gold hit a one-week high on Tuesday, gaining 1 percent on strong physical demand, and as Chinese inflation data boosted the metal's appeal as a hedge.
The metal's second consecutive daily gain was sparked by data showing China's annual consumer inflation accelerated more than expected in June.
Signs of tightness in gold forward market also boosted investor sentiment.
News that the 1-month and 3-month Gold Forward Offered Rates (GOFO), rates at which bullion banks are prepared to lend gold on a swap against U.S. dollars, fell for the first time in years underpinned gold prices.
"Clearly there is some dislocation in the physical market and maybe because demand has been surprisingly strong that has caused some temporary shortages," said Societe Generale analyst Robin Bhar, adding that there has been a lot of gold borrowing in the last 24 hours.
(Read More: China Remains Entrenched in Producer Price Deflation

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Real Price of Gold - Important Repost

The Real Price of Gold

By Brook Larmer
Photograph by Randy Olson
Like many of his Inca ancestors, Juan Apaza is possessed by gold. Descending into an icy tunnel 17,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes, the 44-year-old miner stuffs a wad of coca leaves into his mouth to brace himself for the inevitable hunger and fatigue. For 30 days each month Apaza toils, without pay, deep inside this mine dug down under a glacier above the world's highest town, La Rinconada. For 30 days he faces the dangers that have killed many of his fellow miners—explosives, toxic gases, tunnel collapses—to extract the gold that the world demands. Apaza does all this, without pay, so that he can make it to today, the 31st day, when he and his fellow miners are given a single shift, four hours or maybe a little more, to haul out and keep as much rock as their weary shoulders can bear. Under the ancient lottery system that still prevails in the high Andes, known as the cachorreo, this is what passes for a paycheck: a sack of rocks that may contain a small fortune in gold or, far more often, very little at all.

PRECIOUS-Gold rises 1 pct on physical buying, China inflation

* Gold one and three-month forward rates suggest increased
* China June consumer inflation up more than expected
* Gold-backed ETF outflow continues
* Investors await U.S. June FOMC minutes Wednesday

(New updates throughout, adds comment, adds second byline, NEW
YORK to dateline)
By Frank Tang and Clara Denina
NEW YORK/LONDON, July 9 (Reuters) - Gold hit a one-week high
on Tuesday, gaining 1 percent on strong physical demand, and as
Chinese inflation data boosted the metal's appeal as a hedge.
The metal's second consecutive daily gain was sparked by
data showing China's annual consumer inflation accelerated more
than expected in June.
Signs of tightness in gold forward market also boosted
investor sentiment.
News that the 1-month and 3-month Gold Forward Offered Rates
(GOFO), rates at which bullion banks are prepared to lend gold
on a swap against U.S. dollars, fell for the first time in years
underpinned gold prices.
"Clearly there is some dislocation in the physical market
and maybe because demand has been surprisingly strong that has
caused some temporary shortages," said Societe Generale analyst
Robin Bhar, adding that there has been a lot of gold borrowing
in the last 24 hours .
Spot gold touched its highest since July 2 at
$1,260.01 an ounce earlier. It traded at $1,245.90 an ounce, up
0.9 percent by 3:34 PM EDT (1934 GMT)
U.S. Comex gold futures for August delivery settled
up $11 to $1,245.90 an ounce, as trading volume was 15 percent
below its 30-day average, preliminary Reuters data showed.
Liquidation in bullion-backed exchange traded funds
continued, suggesting gold prices could come under renewed
pressure, analysts said.
Holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the world's largest
gold ETF, fell to the lowest since February 2009, down 1.6
percent to 946.96 tonnes.
Investors are now focusing on the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) minutes - records from the Fed's June meeting -
due for release on Wednesday.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Top 100 UFO Videos: The Footage Archives - 100 UFO Clips from 16 Countries

UFOTV® Presents : Top 100 UFO Videos: The Footage Archives - 100 UFO Clips from 16 Countries

90 MINUTE FREE MOVIE - Uploaded by permission only! - Now featuring the ultimate UFO Video Archive with of over 100 of the best UFO Videos ever caught on tape, from 16 countries and from Earth Orbit by NASA and the Russian Space Authority, set to music with an Original Movie Soundtrack by the band Warless Society. Each UFO Video includes the location, date, time and the name of the person who filmed the UFO. All of the UFO Videos in this film are presented in the order they were filmed and represent the best selection of authentic UFO Videos ever made public.

Robert Kiyosaki : For most people, money is in control of their emotions and their souls.

Robert Kiyosaki : Don’t be most people. For most people, money is in control of their emotions and their souls.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Do anything of worth in this world, it means you'll fail. And do anything big in this world, it means you'll fail big

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Do anything of worth in this world, it means you'll fail. And do anything big in this world, it means you'll fail big.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: learning comes from mistakes.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Teachers have it wrong. The right answer on a piece of paper doesn't mean anything; learning comes from mistakes.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Nazi Crystal Skulls, UFOs & Eurasian Lakes

Expert in anomalous phenomena, Paul Stonehill discussed his latest research into the Nazi hunt for crystal skulls in South America, including his knowledge of UFO research by the Soviets during the Cold War and the mysterious giants that inhabit Eurasian lakes.

Stonehill expressed his displeasure with the inaccuracy of the most recent Indiana Jones film, saying that the Soviets were never interested in the crystal skulls. It was Hitler and the Nazis who led expeditions in 1943 to find them; Hitler's reason for wanting the skulls was to use them to control people, he added.


Paul Stonehill was born in Kiev, USSR, in 1959 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1972. In his youth, Paul helped smuggle people out from behind the iron curtain, aided dissidents, and smuggled banned literature into the USSR. He graduated from California State University with a BA in Political Science and wrote a thesis on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Paul has worked as journalist covering warfare as well as freelancing on stories about UFO and Anomalous Phenomena. In October of 1993, OMNI Magazine featured a story about Paul's work, and the Russian Ufology Research Center, which he created back in 1991.

After the fall of Communism, his articles were published throughout Russia and the Ukraine. Since 1989, Paul has consulted for American television and motion picture production companies, as well as corporate entities. His areas of expertise are: Russian history; Soviet covert operations; corporate security issues for expatriate workers; warfare in the former USSR; cross-cultural training; anomalous phenomena in the Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and China.

The topics of his published writing include: Soviet and Russian military research of paranormal phenomena, underwater unidentified phenomena, mysteries of the Soviet space program, mysteries of ancient history (Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Mongol Empire, Siberia), Time Travel experiments in Russia, ghost trains of Eurasia, Soviet mind control programs, and UFO phenomena in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltics.

The crystal skulls are a number of human skull hardstone carvings made of clear or milky white quartz, known in art history as "rock crystal", claimed to be pre-Columbian Mesoamerican artifacts by their alleged finders; however, none of the specimens made available for scientific study have been authenticated as pre-Columbian in origin. The results of these studies demonstrated that those examined were manufactured in the mid-19th century or later, almost certainly in Europe. Despite some claims presented in an assortment of popularizing literature, legends of crystal skulls with mystical powers do not figure in genuine Mesoamerican or other Native American mythologies and spiritual accounts.

The skulls are often claimed to exhibit paranormal phenomena by some members of the New Age movement, and have often been portrayed as such in fiction. Crystal skulls have been a popular subject appearing in numerous sci-fi television series, novels, video games and a brand of vodka

Robert Kiyosaki : The opposite of a saver is an investor

Robert Kiyosaki : The opposite of a saver is an investor. Don’t be a saver, learn to be an investor

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki : Poor work for money…and the rich don’t

Robert Kiyosaki : Poor work for money…and the rich don’t. What do you work for?

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

1 Oz Scottsdale Silver Coin Bar - Niue Legal Tender preview, discuss

Perth mint released new 1/2oz coin today. Australian/American alliance coin. Check it out on the Perth mint bullion website

New Zealand also has some really cool things coming out that again are Legal Tender for Niue as well.  Monolopy Bars, Dr. Who, Transformers, and of course Star Wars!!!. Check out the New Zealand Mint, I may be doing more business with them.

Physical Demand And Silver-To-Gold Ratio Signal Strong Rally In Silver Prices

Silver prices have slumped to deeper lows in June 2013 after having been smashed big time earlier in April. Technical indicators suggest an extremely oversold condition and that a rise seems imminent. On a weekly basis, RSI (relative strength indicator) is at the lowest in 40 years of data and nearly that low on a daily basis. This timing indicator suggests that silver is extremely oversold on both a daily and weekly basis. Gold is similarly oversold. Technically, a rally in gold and silver prices is

Take a look at a recent statement by GATA: Market-rigging central banks laugh at technical analysis and 'fundamentals'

    GATA said: "Technical analysis of a manipulated market like gold has been tedious nonsense for years, but these days, with virtually infinite paper dropped on the gold futures market at illiquid times to drive the price down even as the physical market remains strong, technical analysis has become insulting. The only analysis worth anything anymore is the identification of the source of all the paper. The suspects are obvious - Western central banks."
absolutely unavoidable. Then why have bullion seen a steep and steady decline in prices? Having said about Gold and Silver being in technically oversold conditions, market manipulation yet, will of course play its own part in defining price direction, even though for a small volatile period now.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Robert Kiyosaki : mistakes will become wisdom and wisdom is essential to becoming richer

Robert Kiyosaki : You will make mistakes, but if you learn from those mistakes, those mistakes will become wisdom and wisdom is essential to becoming richer.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Anyone can be an Entrepreneur; all it takes is drive and ambition

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Anyone can be an Entrepreneur; all it takes is drive and ambition

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Bankers and tax breaks do not make real estate a great investment. You do.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Bankers and tax breaks do not make real estate a great investment. You do.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

The Rise & Fall of the Nephilim

Paranormal investigator and author Scotty Roberts his research into the Nephilim and
their origins. He explained that his investigation of the infamous entities focused
on the language of the original Hebrew texts where they are described. As such, he
dismissed the popular notion that the Nephilim were "fallen angels," since the entities
are never given that moniker. Rather, they are said to be the result of a union between
"watchers" and humans. Roberts theorized that the creation of the Nephilim could be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden and a dalliance between Eve and an entity metaphorically called a "serpent." As to the origins of these "visitors" who played a hand in creating the Nephilim, he acknowledged that they could have been spiritual beings, "minor Gods," or even extraterrestrials.

Ultimately, Roberts said, these Nephilim are blamed for corrupting the human race by sharing forbidden knowledge with them, a theme appears in many creation stories. In light of this corruption, he surmised, the great flood of Noah's Ark lore was orchestrated not to punish the corrupt humans, but to wipe away the presence of the Nephilim on Earth. However, Roberts suggested that the Nephilim may still be on the planet as what we call "demons." He cited a passage in the book of Enoch which says that the "spirits" of the Nephilim that died in the flood remained on Earth in a ghostly form to "wreak the same havoc, from a spirit form, on humanity that they wreaked while in physical form."


Scotty Roberts' background is laced with varied and diverse skills and experience. After two years in a Christian bible college, he entered seminary pursuing his Masters in Divinity (Mdiv). During his college and seminary studies, he focused on his academic and personal passion for history, theater and art. His religious studies intensified his interest in spirituality, and his research of the Paranormal expanded throughout the 80s and 90s. Scotty is currently continuing his investigations of historical and haunted sites, and has been working on the development of the TV show "Dead Reckoning" since March of 2008.

The Nephilim (play /ˈnɛfɨˌlɪm/) were the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" according to Genesis 6:4; and gigantic men who inhabited Canaan according to Numbers 13:33. A similar biblical Hebrew word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors.

See also Cambion Crescendo (novel) Cyclops Deluge myth Demigod Edomites Egregore Fields of the Nephilim are a semi active goth rock band formed in 1984. Giants in mythology and folklore (list) Jinn Gibborim (biblical) Gigantes Grigori Hush, Hush (novel) Kenites Serpent seed Sons of God The Cain Tradition

Fallen angel is a concept that is typically synonymous with a wicked or rebellious angel. As the actual term fallen angel is not found in either the Hebrew Bible or the Deuterocanonical Books or the New Testament, biblical commentators use this term to describe angels who sinned or angels cast down to the earth from the War in Heaven, Satan, demons, or certain Watchers.

A Jewish myth of angels coming down to earth rather than being cast down, referred to as the myth of angelic descent, is found chiefly in the Jewish pseudepigraphic Book of Enoch, 6-9 and the Qumran Book of Giants and perhaps in Genesis 6:1-4. The angels in question were Watchers who were inveigled by the beauty of human women, had intercourse with them and corrupted mankind.They were the prime instigators of the sinfulness that led to the Great Deluge.This myth was adopted by early Christianity, but abandoned by Rabbinic Judaism and later Christianity. During the period immediately before the rise of Christianity, the intercourse between these Watchers and human women was often seen as the first fall of the angels.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Buy Silver Now - David Morgan

This year silver stock is 100% controlled and has nothing to do with the current market situation. If it did, it would be way past $60. But it will come margin call (fiat currency system crashes), current debt puts silver at 20k/ounce, just how much time. Exact dates are a waste of time. Only the God of All Creation truly knows that. Silver is a backup plan, not a get rich quick money scheme

SILVER : The New Law of Supply and Demand

Theodore Butler
July 5, 2013 - 9:10am
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This was excerpted from the Weekly Review of June 29, 2013 -
The cornerstone of the free market system is the law of supply and demand. This is the premise that governs how the prices of resources are determined in any free market economy as opposed to prices being set by government edict or monopoly control. It is the mechanism by which resources are produced and consumed in the freest and most efficient manner. Here’s a great definition of this law from the Free Dictionary – “the theory that prices are determined by the interaction of supply and demand: an increase in supply will lower prices if not accompanied by increased demand, and an increase in demand will raise prices unless accompanied by increased supply.”
There are three components to the law – supply, demand and price. Price serves as the fulcrum between supply and demand, balancing the two. But the important point is that the interplay between supply and demand is what determines the price. That’s elementary and spelled out in the above definition; a free market price means the price is determined by supply and demand. This is the definition we expect our children learn in school. Unfortunately, this definition is old-fashioned and no longer operative in gold and silver and other commodities. Instead a new definition of the law of supply and demand has supplanted the version still in the dictionary.
Simply put, the new law of supply and demand has the price determining supply and demand and not vice-versa as it should be. This may sound like a game of words at first blush, but it goes to the heart of the matter. When price determines how much is produced and consumed, instead of supply and demand being the determinant of price, that’s just another way of describing price manipulation. All our laws against manipulation and the restraint of free trade are aimed at preventing an artificial price from coming into existence. That’s because it is well-known that an artificial price will adversely impact production and consumption and cause overall harm to society. An artificial high price must lead to over-production and under-consumption and an eventual price crash, while an artificial low price must result in an eventual shortage and price explosion.
There is undeniable proof that the recent price action on the COMEX in gold and silver is the new and manipulative version of the law and supply and demand. There was no big increase in production or weakening of demand for gold or silver leading to sharply lower prices; instead the price decline, due to speculative selling of futures contracts, is determining what will be produced and consumed in the future. Speculative selling on the COMEX has resulted in prices low enough to threaten mine production and encourage increased demand (especially investment demand).

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Biblical Contradictions with Bart Ehrman

Biblical expert Bart Ehrman discussed contradictory views about the life of Jesus Christ, and the creation of the Bible.


Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He came to UNC in 1988, after four years of teaching at Rutgers University. At UNC he has served as both the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies.

A graduate of Wheaton College (Illinois), Professor Ehrman received both his Masters of Divinity and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary, where his 1985 doctoral dissertation was awarded magna cum laude. Since then he has published extensively in the fields of New Testament and Early Christianity, having written or edited twenty-one books, numerous scholarly articles, and dozens of book reviews.


Ehrman has written widely on issues of New Testament and early Christianity at both an academic and popular level, with over twenty books including three New York Times bestsellers (Misquoting Jesus, God's Problem, and Jesus, Interrupted). Much of his work is on textual criticism and the New Testament. His first book was Didymus the Blind and the Text of the Gospels (1987) followed by several books published by the Oxford University Press, including The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, and a new edition and translation of The Apostolic Fathers in the Loeb Classical Library series published by Harvard University Press. In God's Problem Ehrman discusses the problem of evil and suffering, the issue which he says led him to become agnostic. His book Jesus, Interrupted critically assesses the New Testament documents and early Christianity. In his book Forged which was released in 2011, he asserts that 11 or more books of the Christian New Testament were essentially politically expeditious forgeries, intended to advance various theological positions and were in fact not written by the authors traditionally ascribed to them.

In 1999 Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium was released as a study on the historical Jesus. Ehrman argues that the historical Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher, and that his apocalyptic beliefs are recorded in the earliest Christian documents: the Gospel of Mark and the authentic Pauline epistles. The earliest Christians believed Jesus would soon return, and their beliefs are echoed in the earliest Christian writings. In this, Ehrman follows the dominant scholarly consensus among secular scholars since Albert Schweitzer advanced a version of that thesis in 1905. In his foreword to the book, Ehrman notes that there are many popular books for the layman advancing various minority theories, such as Jesus as a wisdom-sage, shaman, magician, or even founder of a mushroom cult, but few popular books for laymen advancing the dominant scholarly consensus. This book was intended to correct that gap.

Much of Ehrman's writing has concentrated on various aspects of Walter Bauer's thesis that Christianity was always diversified or at odds with itself. Ehrman is often considered a pioneer in connecting the history of the early church to textual variants within biblical manuscripts and in coining such terms as "Proto-orthodox Christianity." Ehrman brought this counter-traditional thesis, and textual criticism in general, to the lay public through his popular-level work, Misquoting Jesus.

In 2012, Ehrman published Did Jesus Exist? defending the thesis that Jesus of Nazareth existed in contrast to the mythicist theory that Jesus is an entirely mythical or fictitious being woven whole-cloth out of legendary material. He states he expects the book to be criticized both by some atheists as well as fundamentalist Christians. In response, Richard Carrier published a lengthy criticism of the book in April 2012, particularly questioning both Ehrman's facts and methodology. Ehrman replied to Carrier's criticisms on his website, primarily defending himself against Carrier's allegations of factual errors.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: I don’t see my mistakes as Failures

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: I don’t see my mistakes as failures; I see them as nuggets of new wisdom

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: I Invest for Cash Flow

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: I invest for cash flow, which can be had in any market if you're diligent enough.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Nostradamus, Denver Airport & The Georgia Guidestones

Filmmaker and scholar Jay Weidner spoke about 2012 and prophecy, as well as mysteries surrounding the Georgia Guidestones and the Denver Airport. A series of interrelated prophecies are all pointing toward one time period, around 2012, as being a time of crucial change, possibly connected with our sun, he said. The decreasing heliosphere of the sun leaves Earth with less of a buffer from potentially dangerous elements from outer space such as cosmic rays, he noted.

Weidner perceives 2012 as an alchemical moment for humanity to decide who or what it wants to be. On a positive note, he foresees a possibility for the populace to live in semi-rural conditions in a more slowed down fashion, yet still connected via the Internet. A more negative outcome would see society turned into a "techno-fascist nightmare" with robocops and cameras on every corner, he warned. People need to figure out how to manage in a world of increasing scarcity, he commented.

In discussing the Georgia Guidestones, he doesn't interpret the commandment about maintaining the Earth's population as a call to exterminate people. Rather, he suggested the monument could be part of an alchemical mythos, helping to bring about a new consciousness. The Denver Airport appears to be connected to COG (continuity of government) with underground facilities that could withstand a nuclear war, Weidner reported. He suspects there's a gigantic tunnel system under the airport, with trains possibly running to different parts of America. Denver, he added, could be slated to become the capitol of an eventual North American Union.

Jay was featured in the History Channel's documentary, The Lost Book of Nostradamus and was associate producer and featured in the History Channel's special, Nostradamus 2012, and also in Brad Meltzers, Decoded. He also participated in Jesse Ventura's, Conspiracy Theory for TruTV. In addition, he is the co-author of The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of Time, (Destiny Books) and A Monument to the End of Time (with Vincent Bridges), as well as a contributing writer for the book, The Mystery of 2012 (Sounds True).

The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message clearly conveying a set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The Guidestones have become a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists. One of them, an activist named Mark Dice, demanded that the Guidestones "be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble used for a construction project", claiming that the Guidestones are of "a deep Satanic origin", and that R. C. Christian, belongs to "a Luciferian secret society" related to the New World Order. At the unveiling of the monument, a local minister proclaimed that he believed the monument was "for sun worshipers, for cult worship and for devil worship".

A New Age interpretation of this transition is that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with an object such as a black hole, a passing asteroid, or a planet called "Nibiru".

Denver Airport
There are several conspiracy theories relating to the airport's design and construction such as the runways being laid out in a shape similar to a swastika. Murals painted in the baggage claim area have been claimed to contain themes referring to future military oppression and a one-world government. However, the artist, Leo Tanguma, said
the murals, entitled "In Peace and Harmony With Nature" and "The Children of the World Dream of Peace," depict man-made environmental destruction and genocide along with humanity coming together to heal nature and live in peace.

Michel de Nostredame (14 or 21 December 1503 -- 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his book Les Propheties (The Prophecies), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the
publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with much of the popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events.

Biblical History, Prophecies, and Discoveries ~ Dr. Ken Hanson

Professor, author and researcher, Dr. Ken Hanson, spoke about biblical history, prophecies, and discoveries, as well as shared his analysis of the Middle East, and the potential for apocalyptic events. Having previously lived in Israel and the Middle East for a number of years, he has a foreboding sense that a cataclysmic war is on the verge of breaking out there, possibly involving Iran and Israel. Interestingly, he noted that Jews and Arabs have not always been at odds, and that the current enmity is not based on ancient feuds or disagreement over religion. He argued that the best solution to the Palestinian refugee problem is for Arab governments to resettle this population in one of the 22 states surrounding Israel; yet they refuse, because keeping them where they are fills their political purpose, he said.

Hanson talked about the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, noting that it was written in Greek, yet he believes that it was a translation from an earlier Hebrew or Aramaic text from the 1st century. The early believers in Jesus thought they were living in 'End Times' as they were facing down the Roman Empire, and Revelation directly spoke to them, he commented. In the year 66 AD, Jews sought their freedom from Rome and revolted, and many of the calamities described in Revelation relate to the Roman's brutal attack on Israel, which was also described by the historian Josephus.

While the Vatican has said that a recent discovery of a 4th century papyrus that refers to Jesus' wife is a forgery, Hanson noted that Carbon 14 dating and other testing has yet to be done on the fragment, and it's possible that it is authentic. The genuineness of the James Ossuary, an ancient burial box, with an Aramaic inscription, translated as "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus," is still being debated some 10 years after the discovery was announced, he added. For more, check out Hanson's video Jesus' Lost Heirs, a companion to his book, Blood Kin of Jesus.


Dr. Ken Hanson is a dynamic author, lecturer, and founder of "Treasures in Time," an organization devoted to disseminating knowledge of the Biblical and classical world. He has dug on archaeological sites in the Middle East, lived in a politically volatile region of northern Galilee, and taught Hebrew on an Israeli agricultural settlement. He has also worked with a television news-gathering operation in a war zone in southern Lebanon, at the height of the civil war that left the jewel of the Mediterranean in ruins.

The book spans three literary genres: epistolary, apocalyptic, and prophetic. It begins with an epistolary address to the reader followed by an apocalyptic description of a complex series of events derived from prophetic visions which the author claims to have seen. These include the appearance of a number of figures and images which have become important in Christian eschatology, such as the Whore of Babylon and the Beast, and culminate in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The obscure and extravagant imagery has led to a wide variety of interpretations: historicist interpretations see in Revelation a broad view of history; preterist interpretations treat Revelation as mostly referring to the events of the apostolic era (1st century), or--at the latest--the fall of the Roman Empire; futurists believe that Revelation describes future events; and idealist or symbolic interpretations consider that Revelation does not refer to actual people or events, but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil.

The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic document in the New Testament canon, though there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the Gospels and the Epistles.

Using the Greek Septuagint, John makes 348 allusions, or indirect quotes, from 24 of the canonized books of the Hebrew Bible, predominantly from Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Psalms. The narrative of the terrifying and boastful beast that rises out of the ocean, has many horns which represent kings, and which is thrown into the fire, derives from Daniel 7. The beast from the Book of Revelation combines body traits from all four beasts mentioned in Daniel 7. The description of the angel who gives the revelation derives from Daniel 10:5-6; the four horsemen derive from Zechariah