Friday, September 27, 2013

Neil Kramer - Veritas Radio - 06-06-13 - Changing Reality With Will

Neil Kramer on Veritas Radio with Mel Fabregas. Recorded on June 6th, 2013.

Planet X Update Main Show SEP 26 2013 Coast To Coast AM

Coast To Coast AM – The Largest Up-to-date Coast to Coast AM Archive is here. The Coast To Coast AM late night talk show hosted by George Noory with Ian Punnett, George Knapp, Richard Hoagland, Rob Simone and John B. Wells are the Coast To Coast AM hosts and will keep you informed late into the night. Topics discussed include the Near-death experience, climate change, cosmology, quantum physics, remote viewing, hauntings, contact with extraterrestrials, psychic reading, metaphysics, conspiracy theories, Area 51, crop circles, cryptozoology, Bigfoot, the Hollow Earth hypothesis, and science fiction literature, among others. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the events of that day (as well as alternate theories surrounding them) and current U.S. counter-terrorism strategy have also become frequent themes. George Noory, the main host since Art Bell retired, also takes interest in the 2012 phenomenon and believes something will happen. ………………………………….­………………………………….­………… Attorney, contractor, and ET contactee Gordon James Gianninoto will update what he knows about Planet X and the coming pole shift, the nature of gravity, and why he believes the government is covering up imminent global catastrophe. In the first hour, orthopedic spinal surgeon Dr. David Hanscom will discuss how the mind is more powerful at healing than surgery.

LOU DOBBS ~ Obama & Reid Declare That Government Will Shut Down If Gop Ignores Senate Bill

Obama & Reid Declare That Gov't Will Shut Down If Gop Ignores Senate Bill - Lou Dobbs

The House funds government EXCEPT for Obamacare. The Democrats REFUSE to fund government UNLESS Obamacare is funded, too. The story the MSM carries is that the Democrats say those mean ole Tea Party terrorists want to shut down the government.....

The Dollar is a Ponzi Scheme ~ David McAlvany

David McAlvany- The dollar is a Ponzi Scheme

John Manfreda and Jason Burack of Wall Street for Main Street Interview David McAlvany about 5 year anniversary from the financial crisis, the Fed's "No Taper" decision, the Gold Market, and the state of the economy. At the end of the Podcast David praises Wall Street for Main Street for its work, service, and improvement over the last couple of years.

Nairobi Kenya Westgate Terror - Backside Dots - The Survive To Thrive Broadcast

HAWK - Nairobi Kenya Westgate Terror - Backside Dots - The Survive To Thrive Broadcast The Hawk On The Survive To Thrive Broadcast via Friday night 09/27/2013

John Stossel ~ Escaping The Education BLOB: The Ron Paul Curriculum

I think this whole blob concept can be extended to include pretty much most of the economy, and indeed of the western world today; i.e. everything that's plagued by regulation, taxes, unions, bureaucracy, debt, red tape, and just general socialist bullshit... Western civilization is a very repulsive and cringeworthy blob at the moment which is growing out of control, all because of two words: socialism and political correctness. You don't have to be a "republican" to figure that out.

INFOWARS Nightly News: with GiGi Erneta Friday September 27 2013: Lloyd Chapman

Friday: The Nightly News. Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Seymour Hersh Derides Main Stream Media For Never Questioning Preposterous Government Account Of Bin Laden Death.
Date: 09/27/2013
On The September 27, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, GiGi Erneta Hosts & We Interview "Andrew" On The 1 Yr. Anniversary Of His Infamous ObamaLady Film Clip In Addition To Lloyd Chapman of News Covered: Seymour Hersh: Bin Laden Raid "One Big Lie." People In NY Yell "USA" After Supposed BinLaden Capture. Senator Says Politics Have Reached Civil War Levels. Reid Clamors For Debt Increase in 2013, Railed Against It In 2006. Senate Defeats Cruz filibuster, Passes Bill That Funds Obamacare. U.S. Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Google Over Email Ads. FBI Has Been Using Drones Since 2006, Watchdog Agency Says. Iran, U.S. Talks Seen as 'Good Start.'Doctor Reveals Fukushima Radiation Nightmare Solution

BENJAMIN FULFORD - Gonob Radio Interview 9/12/13

Benjamin Fulford interviewed by Aaron Wilson on 9/12/13

Martial Law to be called on or about October first

wow we are in big trouble the cops are losing their brains course they would never agree to or submit to what they did to the people of Boston not in a hot minute careful SHEEP wake up

What valor! Running down and shooting one young suspect without giving him a chance to defend himself and trying their hardest to kill an unarmed teenager who was attempting to surrender, leaving him with permanent disfigurement, before a shred of evidence had been provided to show his guilt. Let's not forget one of their own nearly killed by "friendly fire". Yeah, I want a calender!

Alex Jones Show: Friday (9-27-13) Jesse Ventura

Alex Jones Show: Friday (9-27-13) Jesse Ventura

The Bin Laden Killing One Big Lie
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship follies in the district of criminals as a shut down of government looms and an effort to derail Obamacare gains momentum in the House. Alex also covers Seymour Hersh's claim that the Osama bin Laden raid is a lie and he details a government forewarning to family members about the bloody terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya. On today's show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JKF. It is now available at the Infowars Store.

Michael Tellinger - Talk Now Radio - 06-13-13 - African Temples of the Anunnaki

Michael Tellinger on Talk Now Radio with Royce Holleman. Recorded on June 13th, 2013.

SPECIAL REPORT: Greece On The Brink Of Coup!!!

Special Forces Reserve Union of the Army has put the Greek Government on notice
I've got a bad feeling that the elites may use military dictatorships controlled by the One Ring of World Peace to forge a New World Order. The good soldier politician - bad corporatist politician ploy. The good generals* replace failing politicians, with the help of the elites fix the economies and the public becomes putty in their hands. A few years later, they meet at a World Peace Conference to consolidate all the militaries under one organization to end war and terrorism forever. Shortly after that, they introduce uniform regulations and trade laws under a single currency, followed by a Constitution of Man with universal laws, rights, and world citizenship. Of course, all of it would be under the auspices of the elite psychopaths and no one will complain because there will be world peace and economic prosperity for all. Especially for the elites. *Pinochet as the prototype

No one talks about the unbelievable theft of the FEDERAL RESERVE that is NOT FEDERAL but private. And no one knows exactly WHO the owners of this Bank are. They have stolen all our land and businesses and done that to the rest of the world. ...Vatican, Rothchilds, Rockefellars, Saudis, etc..highly suspected!

Michael Savage: Health Department Raids Community Picnic and Destroys All the Food with Bleach

We are only as strong as our weakest link. The able-bodied patriot of today has far more on his/her hands than that of our founders, but the fundamentals are the same - and no longer taught. Fright or freedom. I believe that is what we are dealing with

Aired on September 26, 2013 - The Savage Nation - (Michael Savage Interviews Woman Involved In Incident - Health Department Raids Community Picnic and Destroys All Their Food with Bleach

Confirmed: Electronic Harassment & Smart Meter Effects

Confirmed: Electronic Harassment & Smart Meter Effects

The FBI stated today that Aaron Alexis left an electronic document that repeated what he had written on his gun that he believed was being electronically harassed by the government. They dismissed the idea as delusional. We look at the decades of government research by the military to do just that and documented physiological effects of Smart Meters.

Obama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

Osama bin Laden is out and the White Widow is in. She is the new face of terror. There is a warrant for her arrest. There is now global terrorist alert for Africa, Europe, Middle East and America. The economy propaganda is continuing and all private western central bank nations are pushing that the economy is doing well event though it is collapsing. The stock market is hitting all time highs and precious metals are being pushed down

JEROME CORSI ~ The Hagmann And Hagmann Report Sept 26 2013

The Hagmann And Hagmann Report Sept 26 2013 Jerome Corsi

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.
This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
The program digs deep into current topics that include questions about who is really running America, who is really benefitting from the massive financial bailouts, who and what is behind controversial legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA, Agenda 21, and other issues that are rarely addressed with focus, clarity and accuracy. No stone is left unturned, no topic left untouched.
Certain pivotal events that changed the course of U.S. and world history are also subjected to investigative scrutiny, from the start of the Federal Reserve, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the McCarthy hearings, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the BCCI scandal, the attacks of 9/11 and events taking place through the various presidential administrations of William Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son and now Barack Hussein Obama.
The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don't always agree on matters of intent and motive!
Real information. Real truth. Less hype.

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day

Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Top Banker Says Being a Restaurateur Is Better

Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) --- Where do you go after a senior position at Merrill Lynch? How about the restaurant business? Bloomberg's Jessica Howard reports on the banking top dog who left it all behind. (Source: Bloomberg)


Michael Savage ~ The Savage Nation - September 26 2013 FULL SHOW

Michael Savage is an American radio host, author and political commentator. He is the host of The Savage Nation, a nationally syndicated talk show that aired on Talk Radio Network across the United States. Wikipedia

Michael Savage's radio show known as "The Savage Nation", has a very large audience, consisting of millions of listeners and growing, on stations across America.
The "Savage Nation" is a very informative talk show. The show is very popular but can be held discreet due to the fact that Michael Savage himself does not concern himself to be part of the mainstream media which can be full of propaganda and deceit.

This is what makes Michael Savage and his show a rare gem. A rare gem that some people might not be familiar with. This is why I made this page. I feel this man and his show should be recognized by any and all who are not familiar with his distinct virtue and his appreciation of Borders, Language, and Culture.
Please listen to these official audio clips from Michael Savage's radio show, and share them with friends and family. The more thinking and aware people we have, the better for our future.


Rush Limbaugh: 'If Obamacare Is So Great,' Why Doesn't It 'Sell Itself?'

9/26/13 - Rush Limbaugh asked on Thursday why, if the Affordable Care Act was so "wonderful," it does not "sell itself?" He noted that a number of groups and institutions, from labor unions to the members of Congress and their staffs, have attempted to secure their own waivers and carve-outs from that law. Limbaugh wondered why President Barack Obama would have to hold campaign-style rallies in support of the law if it was self-evidently beneficial.

Limbaugh began by noting that Obama held a rally on Thursday morning at a Maryland college to "sell Obamacare."

"What's Obama doing? It's the law of the land," Limbaugh asked.

He asked why Obama did not pitch Congress on how "wonderful" the law is "instead of giving them a taxpayer subsidy for 75 percent of their premiums?"

"He didn't tell this audience today that they're going to get 75 percent of their premiums subsidized," Limbaugh added. "He told them how wonderful it is. He told them how inexpensive it is."

"He only goes before an audience made up of college kids and other low information voters who know even less about what he's talking about than he knows," he continued.

"If Obamacare is so great, why did Congress demand to be exempted from it?" Limbaugh asked. "They demanded to be exempted from it like the elites demand to be exempted from everything they subject all the rest of us to."

"In fact, if it is so wonderful, why does it need to be sold at all?" Limbaugh concluded. "It ought to just sell itself, shouldn't it?"

Government's definition of 'terrorist' encompasses practically everyone

According to the US State Department, "no one definition of terrorism has gained universal acceptance" within our government. And what constitutes a terrorist is rather expansive, as Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) explains. Even former White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel meets the criteria. Perianne Boring has more

GERALD CELENTE BLOG - Trends In The News - "Deceit, Malice & Bribery!" - (8/9/13)

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Deceit, Malice & Bribery!" - (8/9/13)

"Marc Faber predicts a 1987's like crash on the horizon, police kill 95 year old WWII veteran & the once great USA succumbs to a fascist takeover."

The Alex Jones Show: Edward Group, Lord Monckton :(VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday September 26 2013

The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday September 26 2013: Edward Group, Lord Monckton

Obamacare trainwreck 09/26/2013 On the Thursday, September 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to expose the oncoming train wreck that is the Affordable Care Act and the absurdity of looming threats that the government will shut down should Congress fail to pass a debt ceiling increase. We'll also look at how Intel processors have been found to contain a "secret" 3G chip allowing backdoor access to computers even when they're turned off, and the TSA's recent purchase of "covert surveillance" vans, further illustrating how the agency is expanding way beyond airport security gates. On today's show, Alex welcomes Lord Christopher Monckton to break down the very serious blows that have been dealt to the global warming and climate change movement after predictions of dire straits have proved completely false. And in a special overdrive segment, Alex takes an in-depth look at the way our bodies react to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima meltdown with Dr. Edward Group, an expert in heavy metal detox and other detox protocols and creator of

Military Industrial Complex - How They Sold the Iraq War A repeat of Vietnam - Trillion Dollar War

As the country marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a nagging question lingers: Why didn't those in the U.S government—who knew the truth—speak out about the phony intelligence being used by the Bush White House to justify the invasion of Iraq? Yellowcake uranium from Africa? Aluminum tubes for a nuclear weapons program?

Connections between al Qaeda and Saddam? Throughout the U.S. intelligence community, some officials knew that these--and other assertions used to make the case for war--were based on the sketchiest of intelligence, wrong-headed assumptions and fraudulent claims. Yet those officials didn't go public, their doubts recorded only in dissents buried deep inside a classified National Intelligence Estimate that never saw the light of day. In these excerpts from interviews conducted for "Hubris," some of the principals explain why so many remained silent about issues that were so important.

Bumping Your Head on the Debt Ceiling with Steve Bobbitt

Bumping Your Head on the Debt Ceiling with Steve Bobbitt
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The deadline for the debt ceiling is very quickly approaching and the markets appear to be starting to price it in. Steve Bobbitt joins Merlin to break down some of the major market moving events that are nearly upon us, analyzing their potential market impact. The duo look at the current situation with the S&P500 as well as how the US Dollar will be a major player in the market's direction going forward.

ELIZABETH WARREN ~ Press Conference on the Affordable Care Act

Press Conference on the Affordable Care Act

Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks at a press conference with Democratic women senators on the importance of the Affordable Care Act for women and families.

Falling Satellite, ISON's 1st Test Begins This Weekend

4MIN News September 26, 2013: Falling Satellite, ISON's 1st Test Begins This Weekend

A discharge on mars would be good for us, not only for science, but its like static shocking your little brother, and then trying it again to realize you have discharged all of the static electricity you just built up ...

How Should Federal Oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Work? Home, Loans, Stock (2008)

The federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac refers to the placing into conservatorship of government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by the U.S. Treasury in September 2008. It was one of the financial events among many in the ongoing subprime mortgage crisis.
On September 6, 2008, the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), James B. Lockhart III, announced his decision to place two Government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), into conservatorship run by the FHFA.[1][2][3]
At the same press conference, United States Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, stated that placing the two GSEs into conservatorship was a decision he fully supported, and that he advised "that conservatorship was the only form in which I would commit taxpayer money to the GSEs." He further said that "I attribute the need for today's action primarily to the inherent conflict and flawed business model embedded in the GSE structure, and to the ongoing housing correction."[1]
The same day, Federal Reserve Bank chairman Ben Bernanke stated in support: "I strongly endorse both the decision by FHFA Director Lockhart to place Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship and the actions taken by Treasury Secretary Paulson to ensure the financial soundness of those two companies."[4] The following day, Herbert M. Allison was appointed chief executive of Fannie Mae. He came from TIAA-CREF.[5]

The combined GSE losses of US$14.9 billion and market concerns about their ability to raise capital and debt threatened to disrupt the U.S. housing financial market. The Treasury committed to invest as much as US$200 billion in preferred stock and extend credit through 2009 to keep the GSEs solvent and operating. The two GSEs have outstanding more than US$ 5 trillion in mortgage backed securities (MBS) and debt; the debt portion alone is $1.6 trillion.[6] The conservatorship action has been described as "one of the most sweeping government interventions in private financial markets in decades,"[7] and one that "could turn into the biggest and costliest government bailout ever of private companies".[8]
With a growing sense of crisis in U.S. financial markets, the conservatorship action and commitment by the U.S. government to backstop the two GSEs with up to US$ 200 billion in additional capital turned out to be the first significant event in a tumultuous month among U.S.-based investment banking, financial institutions and federal regulatory bodies. By September 15, 2008, the 158 year-old Lehman Brothers holding company filed for bankruptcy with intent to liquidate its assets, leaving its financially sound subsidiaries operational and outside of the bankruptcy filing. The collapse is the largest investment bank failure since Drexel Burnham Lambert in 1990.[9][10] The 94 year-old Merrill Lynch accepted a purchase offer by Bank of America for approximately US$ 50 billion, a big drop from a year-earlier market valuation of about US$ 100 billion. A credit rating downgrade of the large insurer American International Group (AIG) led to a September 16, 2008 rescue agreement with the Federal Reserve Bank for a US$85 billion secured loan facility, in exchange for a warrants for 79.9% of the equity of AIG.

Ryan Mauro--Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration Of The US Government Runs Deep 19.Sep.13 presents
Ryan Mauro is concerned about the pro-Sharia law forces that have gained an audience with the administration and with the US government. While on the surface they appear moderate and reasonable, down deep they are closely allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and deeply espouse Sharia Law. One good thing that came out of the Egyptian experiement with Brotherhood rule was the mass realization that Sharia rule was not for them. Perhaps this experience will be repeated throughout the Middle East.


 The United States Federal Reserve announced last week that it would not draw downits $85 billion-a-month bond-buying program (i.e. no “tapering”). The Fed made the announcement at precisely 2:00 p.m. EST, “as measured by the national atomic clock.”

Barack Obama: GOP Scared Because They Know People Love ObamaCare So Much

President Obama: "And part of what I think the resistance that we've seen ramp up particularly over the last couple of months is all about is the opponents of health care reform know they're going to sign up. In fact, one of the major opponents, when asked, well, why is it that you'd potentially shut down the government at this point just to block Obamacare, he basically fessed up. He said, well, once consumers get hooked on having health insurance and subsidies, then they won't want to give it up. (Laughter.) I mean, that's — you can look at the transcript. This is one of the major opponents of health care reform. It is an odd logic. Essentially they're saying people will like this thing too much and then it will be really hard to roll back."

Clark McClelland - ET And The Apollo Program

Clip from September 20, 2013 - guest Clark McClelland on the Jeff Rense Program.

Clark McClelland has had an interesting, unique, and painful story. From 1958 to 1992 Clark worked for NASA as an ScO (spacecraft operator). During his tenure he met Apollog Mission astronaut and, according to Clar, he designed the Apollo XI emblem. He met and worked with many Germany scientists (former NAZIs) who came to the United States via Operations Paperclip. According to Drs. Werner von Braun and Hermann Oberth, they said the cannot take full credit for their technological innovations and said they had help from an extraterrestrial civilization. In 1991 Clark witnessed a 8-9 ft being in space communicating with the space shuttle crew. In 1992, apparently, after learning so many truths, NASA decided to dismiss him on a very minor technicality. An error in the residential address written on his original employment application in 1958. His pension was canceled and he could not find any work in relevant fields of aerospace, public- or private sector-wise. He was only able to find employment in Disney World for $4.25 per hour. Clark is certain that there is a dictatorial secret shadow government, that has not only taken over NASA, but the United States of America. He strongly believed that the world is being enslaved by a few. During this very heated interview Clark recounted his meetings with former US presidents, astronauts and even his visit with former Hollywood star Jackie Gleason and his testimony about his trip to Homestead AFB with former US President Richard Nixon, where he saw wreckage from downed extraterrestrial aircraft and even bodies.

B i o

Clark McClelland is a bonafide expert in the field of UFO specialists. He began his investigations of this strange phenomenon in 1947. His 60 plus years of study in the field of UFOlogy puts him in a unique class of educators and investigators.

He has lectured at many national universities including Notre Dame, Penn State, Ohio State, Berea, Montana State University, New York University, Idaho State, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and others too numerous to mention. On several occasions, he was requested by students and faculty to bring his unique topic to their campus as an elective course, although his work at Kennedy Space Center at the time overruled his acceptance.

Clark McClelland's long association with the UFO phenomenon has followed him throughout his aerospace career. In 1958 he was assigned to the national space program at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and helped launch or viewed 679 rockets and spacecraft. In addition to being an Aerospace Engineer and Technical Assistant to the Apollo Program Manager during the Apollo moon landings, McClelland and other SpaceCraft Operators did extensive technical checkout of simulated flights and mission objectives of the various shuttles to assure orbital success and the personal safety of the astronauts.

McClelland knew many of the astronauts who perished during the Challenger disaster and certainly did all he could to keep each shuttle from such a repeat accident. He has held important positions involving such manned projects as Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo lunar landings, Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the Space Station. He was assigned to the cockpit of the Space Shuttle missions as a SpaceCraft Operator (Ground Test Astronaut). If anyone knows what is going on in space, with humans or otherwise, it is McClelland

In 1960, Major Donald E Keyhoe, the International Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) selected McClelland to be Director for the Kennedy Space Center and central Florida region. His unit members included two NASA Astronaut Flight Surgeons, many engineers, scientists and mathematicians as consultants and investigators. Later, he was chosen as the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Director at the KSC and served concurrently as Assistant State Director for Florida.

McClelland's name is on three commemorative monuments, the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions -- - -- His name will be on the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and the Deep Space Missions monuments in the future.

Video: Athens battlefield as police clash with anti-fascist protesters

Police have clashed with anti-fascist protesters in Athens during a rally turned violent, triggered by the murder of a musician at the hands of a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi. READ MORE

INFOWARS News Headlines For Wednesday September 25 2013

INFOWARS News Headlines For Wednesday September 25 2013

Bombshell Info from an Exclusive Benghazi Insider

Bombshell Info from an Exclusive Benghazi Insider

The Generals in charge of the Military are involved just like the politicians. It will take the enlisted corps to do it and they follow orders. If you have ever been in the military you would know its no longer what it used to be, its now a political game, and all the officers and career members play it. All the good people are getting out as soon as they can. With the good people leaving it will soon be just as bad as our Law Enforcement.
On The other hand The Congress will do nothing about Obama, ever, because to impeach or do a real investigation of Obama would reveal the complicity of Congress, both parties, in getting an ineligible, identity fraud con-artist selected as the putative president. That could lead to prison time for members of Congress when the truth was revealed and acted on and they will never take that risk, making Obama unimpeachable. That's why many impeachable offenses have came and went with no action on the part of Congress. On the military, the high ranking officers in each branch have been changed out by the regime for others they feel sure they can trust to do anything they are told, as have many others below the top levels. I assume the enlisted people are just "following orders" no matter what those orders may be or who they come from. The regime has weakened the military with open homosexuality, women in combat roles and other morale reducing actions. IMO don't expect any help from the military. The coup was well planned and carried out, Alinsky works, and the takeover of America's government is well entrenched.

WARNING : Flesh-Eating Drug Krokodil Being Used In Arizona

Krokodil: Russia's Designer Drug That Will Eat Your Flesh

A warning from doctors. A street drug that can rot human flesh and literally make it fall off the bone is being used in Arizona.

The drug is called krokodil. It's similar to heroin or morphine, and is made by mixing codeine with things like gasoline, paint thinner, oil or alcohol.

That mixture is then injected into a vein.

The drug first popped up in Russia but has spread to other countries in Europe and now the U.S.

"This is really frightening. This is something we hoped would never make it to the U.S. because it's so detrimental to the people who use it," said Dr. Aaron Skolnik, toxicologist at Banner Health.

"They cause damage to the blood vessels damage to the tissue and there are horrific pictures from Russia that show skin literally falling off the bone."

Doctors say the life expectancy of a krokodil user is just 3 years.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A New Global Financial System?

Is the world about to see and adopt a newer and fairer monetary system? Does it mean an end to the Wall Street, London High Street banksters, IMF, World Bank among other financial institutes that are gouging the rest of the world bone-dry?

US Dollar ( NO LONGER ) World Reserve Currency
BRICS is a group of countries banding together in a troubled world economy. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are countries that make up 42 percent of the world's population, a quarter of its landmass and 75 percent of the foreign reserve worldwide. The BRICS influence on the global stage is growing and with their growing power they have plans to form a new joint development bank. To talk more about this issue RT's Liz Wahl is joined by Andrew Gavin Marshall of

An Examination of U.S. Dollar Declines

A good bit of research. I noticed by looking at a 600 year old silver chart priced in 1998 Dollars. The current price is ridiculously low. Silver was short in Europe up until about 1400 then, a huge new supply started coming in from South and central America via the Spanish. Later in the 1800s, the US and mexico using mechanised mining again produced massive amounts of silver.

Silver was demonetised in 1873 by the banksters. This meant there were massive amounts of silver vaulted up. Now it's all gone and the current price is only a tiny fraction of the prices in the middle ages. This was when silver was the most plentiful in the western world ever.

The lowest price for 600 years was actually in 2001!!!!!

Why they have to manipulate silver: For many decades the rate of inflation has been falsified downward. This is because inflation is a hidden tax on paper money so they have an interest to downplay it. The problem is that the inflation rate is a compounding figure because each annual percentage rate is a percentage rate of the new total of the previous year. They try and show you a flat curve and refer the the rate as "stable" but each progressive new year there's really an ever increasing curve that get steeper as time goes on. In the end they have to progressively cheat the new figure even more which of course pushes the curve even steeper. Eventually it will go parabolic and the bubble system will collapse.

If they didn't manipulate the price downward the real inflation would be exposed because the PMs are not really moving in value but the bubble money in getting progressively more worthless at a faster rate.

As soon as the perception of say for instance, a Silver one ounce eagle becomes that of a monetary unit. then the true price discovery will start. This is the banksters worse nightmare because it exposes the fact that they have robbed the system blind essentially through deceit and fraud. Then the confidence is gone and the inflation which can now longer be hidden goes to hyperinflation.

They are already printing which means they can never stop printing because it's all issued as debt so there will never be enough money to ever settle. In history it goes into hyperinflation and the banksters never stop printing because even if it costs a million buck for a loaf of bread it costs less than a loaf of bread for a bankster to type in an account entry on a computer.

In the end it goes to zero which is it's intrinsic value as is always replaced with a commodity money, usually some sort of gold backing. I can't find any instances where an unbacked system that collapsed has ever successfully been replaced by another unbacked system no matter how well intentioned or well thought out it was.

The commodity money can restore confidence and enforce prudent discipline. After a while, A very well run token system can be started and run alongside it. The soft currency allows more growth and investment whilst the commodity money guards the fort of a store of value for savers.

More Legal Headaches for Big Banks? | Where the Money Is - 9/25/13 | The Motley Fool

More Legal Headaches for Big Banks? | Where the Money Is - 9/25/13 | The Motley Fool

On Wednesday's edition of The Motley Fool's everything-financials show, Where the Money Is, analysts Matt Koppenheffer and David Hanson discuss today's top headlines, discuss David's latest stock pick, and search Twitter for some hidden insights.


Yesterday it was Pakistan, 7.9mag quake, now today another sizable quake hits off the coast of Peru, 6.8mag.Just what is causing these larger quakes to increase, if anything?

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (9-25-13) Jerome R. Corsi & Philip C. Restino

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (9-25-13) Jerome R. Corsi & Philip C. Restino

On this Wednesday, September 25 worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex documents Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) epic stand against Obamacare. Cruz has been on the Senate floor for over 20 hours in a campaign to deny funding to the government takeover of the health industry. Alex welcomes Philip C. Restino, Jr., a U.S. Army veteran, co-chair and founder of the Central Florida chapter of Veterans For Peace. Restino reveals that the national leadership of several anti-war organizations are blocking resolutions approved by their membership to impeach Barack Obama for his war crimes. Also joining the show is Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, the New York Times best-selling author who continues explaining how the Obama administration supplies money and arms to al-Qaeda while using the threat of al-Qaeda to take away our liberties. Corsi is also the author of Who Really Killed Kennedy? 50 Years Later: Stunning New Revelations About the JFK Assassination.

MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY ~ North Polarization: Oil May Fuel Militarization of the Arctic Region

North Polarization: Oil May Fuel Militarization of the Arctic Region

As world powers team up to secure the ecology in the Arctic, the rivalry over its rich oil and gas resources is heating up. Michel Chossudovsky from the Centre for Research on Globalization explains that the battle for the North Pole is high on the global military agenda.

SANTOS BONACCI - The Higherside Chats - 07-07-13 - False Reality, Astrology & The Bible Code

Santos Bonacci - The Higherside Chats - 07-07-13 - False Reality, Astrology & The Bible Code

Santos Bonacci on The Higherside Chats with Greg Carlwood. Recorded on July 7th, 2013.

For over 30 years, Santos Bonacci has been researching the ancient works, compiling and translating them into more accessible terms in his study of Astrotheology. Santos lives in Melbourne, Australia. He is a producer of video lectures and special DVDs and presents regular seminars on demand. He returns to discuss “the holy science.” In the first hour, he’ll explain how astrotheology is the basis and origin for all of our myths, legends, fairytales, nursery rhymes and folk lore. He also talks about how it is the pure science developed by the very enlightened, wise and ancient priesthood that give us the holy books of all religions. This language eventually became heavily veiled in allegory and symbolism and much of it was deliberately done to keep the higher truths from the masses. In the member’s hour, Santos details the aspects of each sign in the zodiac and their correspondences to seasons, numbers, yuga cycles, personality, the body and all creation. Santos explains in more detail how the macrocosm (the heavens) affects its counterpart on Earth, the microcosm. He says a wise man knows his stars.

MICHAEL SAVAGE - The Savage Nation - September 24, 2013 - Full Show

September 24, 2013 - Michael Savage - The Savage Nation - Full Show

Michael Savage is an American radio host, author and political commentator. He is the host of The Savage Nation, a nationally syndicated talk show that aired on Talk Radio Network across the United States. Wikipedia

Michael Savage's radio show known as "The Savage Nation", has a very large audience, consisting of millions of listeners and growing, on stations across America.
The "Savage Nation" is a very informative talk show. The show is very popular but can be held discreet due to the fact that Michael Savage himself does not concern himself to be part of the mainstream media which can be full of propaganda and deceit.
This is what makes Michael Savage and his show a rare gem. A rare gem that some people might not be familiar with. This is why I made this page. I feel this man and his show should be recognized by any and all who are not familiar with his distinct virtue and his appreciation of Borders, Language, and Culture.
Please listen to these official audio clips from Michael Savage's radio show, and share them with friends and family. The more thinking and aware people we have, the better for our future.

Rouhani speech at the UN.

Iran poses absolutely no threat to the world President Hassan Rouhani said in his address to the UN General Assembly. At the same time, militarism of "some players" and generalization of western values, he says, poses a true danger for the world security.
DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH YET - the globalist will do it one way or the other.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Economic Warning Alternative Media Ignored

Nothing is going to happen they will fix it or paper over it again or better yet go to war to get the sheeple's minds off the financial problem and the dying petro dollar these wars are to preserve the petro dollar and the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel is in full control of this economy with the lies about the numbers on wall street, the unemployment numbers, the housing numbers,..the people that own the Federal Reserve own the Media and the US Government is helping JP Morgan manipulate markets

The very existence of money enables the the dishonest to prosper . I figured this out when I was 16 .. 34 years ago. I find it astonishing how seeming intelligent people cant understand such a simple concept .... blinded by greed I guess . hopefully if there is a god, it will set an open trap with an exit that the greedy just cant see but the generous will walk straight out of.

Alan Watt Reads Carl Jung - Ihe Mass vs the Individual - June 29, 2007

June 29, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk)
"Mass-Movements versus the Residual Individual - Accepting the Uniqueness of Self"

Topics discussed:
Tyranny uses cheap repetitive slogans. Terminology constantly changing to cover the same totalitarian procedures. --War on Poverty = More Poor. War on Drugs = More Drugs. War on Obesity = More Obese. --International Corporations promoting denaturalised food for 30 years, causing malnourished, obese people. --Culture promoted: Man and Wife working, therefore, eat fast food and take-outs. Who gets blamed for obesity?-The obese people. --Training Public to Obey evermore prevalent Road Checks. The message is: OBEY. Black-clad combat-booted police. They call their roadside checks "Blitzes" (after Natzi Blitzkrieg). --Canada Day, so eat lots of garlic. Same with upcoming U.S. "In-Dependence" Day. Who created the borders? Masonic obelisks set along U.S.-Canada border = Big Builders' agreement. --Churches forget Individual Soul, and create Mass Social Conformist Organization-Helps to destroy the Individual's Search (Book: "The Undiscovered Self, the Mass versus the Individual" by Carl Jung)

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (9-24-13) Dr. John Hall

On The September 24, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Paul Joseph Watson Hosts & We Interview Dr. John Hall.

News Covered: State of Connecticut Refuses to Release Adam Lanza's Medical Records. Off Duty Soldier Armed With Handgun Saves 100 Lives During Mall Siege. Seventh Graders Suspended For Nine Months For Playing With Toy Gun... AT HOME. Americans' Belief That Gov't Is Too Powerful at Record Level. Children in Syrian Town Simulating Beheadings Of Enemies.

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday September 24 2013: (Commercial Free Video)

Date: 09/24/2013
Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (09-19-2013) The Navy Yard Shooter, ELF Weapons, S Quad Tech & More

On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes back to the broadcast Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton. The three of them get into the latest mass shooting, this time at The Navy Yard in Washington D.C. itself. They break down the weirdness surrounding it; what S-quad Tech is and an example of it; gang stalking; the gun control agenda; the slippery slope of labeling everything a "mental health" problem, and then stigmatizing and criminalizing "mental health" issues; and more. Make sure to tune into this broadcast.

Glenn Beck Tears Apart Harry Reid for 'Tea Party Anarchists' Remark: Is He 'Going Senile'?

9/24/13 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had some strong words for members of Congress fighting to defund Obamacare on Monday, calling them "tea party anarchists." He railed against their inability to accept a law of the land upheld by the Supreme Court, thought Glenn Beck and his BlazeTV co-hosts found it interesting the same doesn't apply for, say Citizens United. But more importantly, Beck seemed somewhat troubled with where Reid is at mentally these days.

Beck listened to Reid going off on the "tea party anarchists" and swearing to fight Obamacare so long as he's in the Senate, and after some light ribbing, Beck said he thinks there truly might be something wrong with Reid.

"I mean this sincerely. I think there is something wrong with Harry Reid. I think Harry Reid may be... he may have had a stroke, he may be going senile, he may have Alzheimer's, I don't know."
They spent the rest of the segment mercilessly mocking Reid for also talking on the Senate floor about just how much he loves to go grocery shopping to "look around, buy things."

MIKE RIVERO ~ There was a Terror Attack! Registered Trademark; Mossad Nairobi Mall Attack False Flag

There was a Terror Attack! Registered Trademark; Mossad Nairobi Mall Attack False Flag)

To summarize: This was another blatantly staged false flag
style terror attack orchestrated by sycophantic megalomaniacs, attempting to rule Earth from the shadows; hidden within Mossad, world Jewry, USA alphabet agencies, and other shadowy non governmental organizations, in collaboration to steer global events and launch illegal wars.

The fact that the purported terrorist group is making statements that they will strike again is really just another promise of more false flags from the powers that shouldn't be.

See Also - 9/11 Scale Terror attacks promised - Only a matter of time - Hellish Armageddon awaits you - Thwart the terrorists in your midst or face certain death