Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Economy will collapse Bob Chapman

Get out of the Stock Market and Bond Market now is a bubble waiting to burst...

In The Direction Of The Economy Is Not Going To Change international forecaster Bob Chapman writes:

These market gyrations will continue until the markets can no longer be floated on a cloud of hot air created by the combined forked-tongued exhalations of elitist bootlickers, Obama, Bernanke and Geithner, as they pathologically lie about so-called signs of recovery to draw sheople-sucker-dupe herds back into the meat (stock) markets for a fresh new slaughter. Roast mutton anyone? Even the media morons sound as if they are both stunned and stupefied as the markets continue to hold against the worst economic news in our history, with a potential pandemic thrown in for good measure.

They are calling this new phenomenon the “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” stock markets, which is really just the next iteration of what we have called the Goldilocks Matrix in many past issues of the IF.

It is only a matter of time before this market rally come to a grinding halt and the bear returns. The fundamentals of our economy continue to deteriorate, albeit at a slower pace, so any rally in the financial markets is simply unsustainable. Trillions of dollars in personal wealth have been vaporized in the last 18 months, with much more pain to come.