Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yen Vulnerable in Long Term: FX Strategist

Mar. 13 2011 | John Noonan, senior FX analyst at Thomson Reuters, says the cost of Japan's disaster could put a lot of pressure on the yen.

Copper Sell-Off a Buying Opportunity

Mar. 10 2011 | Mathew Kaleel, co-founder & portfolio manager at H3 Global Advisors says the supply issues in commodities, especially copper, make any correction a buying opportunity.

Japan Quake impact on The Gold and the dollar

Mar. 11 2011 | Discussing whether gold and the dollar remain "safe haven" plays on the Japan earthquake and tsunami news, with Dan Denbow, USAA Precious Metals & Minerals Fund, and Joseph Trevisani, FX Solutions.

Mike Maloney and Max Keiser on Deflation, Gold, Silver and China

Mike Maloney interviewed by Max Keiser on The Keiser Report.

Mike Maloney is the author of the "Rich Dad's guide to investing in Gold and Silver" and has a lot of knowledge on economic history.

Mike talks about the banking system and how they create and expand the money supply via fractional loaning.
He explains the future and the debt crisis and how it will boost gold and silver.

In his book he describes "The Biggest Wealth Transfer in The History of Man Kind".
You can become extremely wealth during times of economic turmoil... If you know how!


Donald Trump : I See what's happening to this country. The country isn't respected anymore. We're like a whopping post for the world. People take advantage like China, Like OPEC, I mean we make nothing here anymore... we make nothing in this country, China makes our product. We are rebuilding China Jimmy, We're rebuilding China..

Japan Quake Impact on Oil

Mar. 11 2011 | Assessing Japan's earthquake's impact on oil, which has fallen under $100/barrel, with John Kilduff, Again Capital, and Daniel Dicker, independent oil trader.

Japan Bond Implosion?

Mar. 11 2011 | Discussing whether the earthquake in Japan will expedite the country's looming debt crisis, with Sean Egan, Egan-Jones Ratings Company, and the Strategy Session team.Japan Bond Implosion?

Commodities Next Week

Mar. 11 2011 | CNBC's Bertha Coombs reports that traders were focused on the Middle East and China until the earthquake hit Japan. Expectations are that demand will be hit and, as a result, crude settled down today. And because the nuclear plants in Japan were shut down, natural gas received a boost.

Japan Earthquake Currency Impact

Mar. 11 2011 | Despite the most devastating earthquake in the last 140 years, the Yen rallied against the Dollar. Greg Salvaggio, Tempus Consulting, explains why.

Nickels and Copper a good alternative to Gold and Silver ?

Nickels and Copper could be a cheap alternative way to Gold and Silver , a poor man's way to fight hyperinflation....A good reason for hoarding nickels.Ren from the American Patriot Society talks about hoarding Nickels.nice thing about nickels is that if Copper prices were to drop, you are still protected because a nickel will always be worth a nickel. Copper pipe may go down in value to nothing. Time to stock up on BBB ( bullion , beans , bullets ) also grab some TP ( toilet paper ) cause its hard to wipe your ass with a Fed's note

David Morgan says that there is no Silver Shortage ! - FSN 11 Mar 2011

David Morgan on the Financial Sense Newshour 11 Mar 2011 debating with Jim Puplave whether we have a silver shortage or not ....

David Morgan on The Silver Shortage - Financial Sense Newshour 11 Mar 2011

Junk silver, best value in silver space; silver shortages . is Silver Shortages Real ?
Financial Sense Newshour Metals Update with David Morgan
I think that is what Morgan trying to say. It is possible to buy silver,David Morgan is one of the more sensible guys out there providing information about the silver market availability and pricing.Jim puplava and David Morgan..... minute 14:57 tight situation... minute 15:50 the premiums are going up and after that they are pushing junk silver.