Friday, June 12, 2009

Oil Price heads to $80 as Global Demand for Crude Oil Soars

The international energy Agency raised its forecast for global demand of crude oil , IEA says it sees signs the Recession is bottoming out
CBA's Moore expects oil prices to head to $80 a barrel over 2010.

1 comment:

  1. We in Malaysia are enjoying high growth and high inflation, I do not understand all this complaining. We have to thank China for our strong growth as our economy was going down until March 2009 and China rescued us by buying our commodities. Currently there is strong job market, 2 jobs for every worker, we have to import in foreign labour to do jobs that locals do not want to do ! We have high inflation, an example is a local dessert called "cendol" selling for $1.20 in local currency a month ago, is now selling for $ 1.80 in local currency. Thats a hefty increase, so don't complain, enjoy the boom !
