Saturday, October 17, 2009

Is the Dollar Dead - Russia Today Cross Talk

In this edition of the program we have a look at what is happening to the US dollar. Is it doomed? Probably not, yet its global hegemony is slowly but surely coming to an end.

Crosstalk Dollar death global currency AAPL Alpha analysis basics Brian business Chart charts Day daytrading Elliot finance forex futures How Idan investing Investor Koren learn learning learning about the stock market learning stock market market marketguru money online Option resistance SPY stock stocks broker street support technical the To Tony Trade Trading Trends wall wave XLF смерть доллара

1 comment:

  1. Brzezinski needs to get back to real world. The world his father saw clearly. The dollar is under incredible pressure,...mainly because of our foreign policy, and terrible fiscal policies,...China has us by the balls. One day we'll have a bond auction and China won't be there. China always says one thing and then does another,...Mark can go to bed dreaming about some fantasy land,...but the US is putting the incentives there to devalue the currency,..which he thinks is wonderful for the rest of the world! Tell that to the dollar holding third world economies.
