Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Energy Non Crisis Lindsey Williams DVD 1 2009

Lindsey Williams - Tragedy

Lindsey Williams discusses his recent conversation with his elite oil executive contact. I believe this to be the best piece of work Lindsey has ever produced. Lindsey is truly a man of God and is pouring his heart out for America to repent and wake up. This is America's final warning. Wake up or you and your children will be slaves to the elite of the world. I personally have found hope in my relationship with the Lord. Something else that has given me hope is an organization that I joined several months ago. Go to www.ginaccess.com to learn more and take control of your life and find solutions to the problems we face.


  1. We don't need God or gods. We need to stand-up like proud humans. Get-up for your rights or die.

  2. Abundant Oil Resource is just one issue which is misused and used to deceive the entire world. This commodity is not at all the priority for the common man of the world but very skilfully misused against the interests of the humanity.

    Turmoil’s of the world’s most invited tragedy by few who wants to control the entire world… but how to fight and get out from such controls is wonderful. We all and every one should support and stand behind such people who want to provide leadership in this cause…
