Saturday, April 24, 2010

UFO sighting - Sky News

Source youtube...
Galactic Federation of Light Scoutship chased by two Fighter jets in UK News, 12th April, 2010.

Nick Pope surprised they havnt looked down on the "UFO chased by two fighter jets" video. UK MOD are keeping it quiet about the incident

Disclosure is Imminent!!!!!
We inform you so often that all is proceeding well and we really mean it, as you cannot know the full extent to which our allies and us are preparing a path for the many changes. There is an ongoing thrust to force a number of issues to be resolved, so that those charged with making important announcements feel safe to do so. There are certainly opportunities approaching that will strengthen the hand of our allies, and the energy with it is extremely powerful and will lead to the expected and required action. Each week that passes sees another step forward taken, and the announcement that is awaited draws ever closer. It is time to bring out the truth of your many Space friends and their links with Earth, and this will trigger many related issues that are hidden from you. It will also be instrumental in revealing who is behind the attempts to prevent you learning the truth, and also their reasons for doing so. The fight for control over you has gone on for a long time, and the dark ones were nearly successful. Fortunately, events have been used to limit the opportunities of the Illuminati to achieve any further progress towards their goal. They are struggling to maintain their stance, yet still plot to cause you chaotic conditions. However, they will not be able to achieve as much as they intended, as we are always limiting the likely effect of their covert actions.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, yes this phenomenon is on the increase. The UFO deception is on the increase. This is one of the last cards to be played, before the reign of the anti-christ arrives...
