Monday, April 5, 2010

Whistleblower Lindsey Williams - The Elite Speak - DVD 1

From the three DVDs taped during January 2010 called, The Elite Speak, by Lindsey Williams. There are a few new February additions to this material presented in an 8 minute summary video at the end of this video series. These were presented on the Alex Jones Show.

Lindsey spoke with his elitist friend again and was told secretive startling NEW information! Using charts, diagrams, and video-revelations, Lindsey explains his new conversation. Subjects include: 2010 economics and beyond; Dubai World - Derivatives; Food, but No Money; One World China; War; and 30 to 50% inflation.


  1. BIG DEAL ....we already know...quit feeding the FEAR MONSTER....SMASH THE CONTROL MACHINE

  2. December 2001 plan for the NWO was the ascension date. ,,,during the Planetary allignment the worlds population would be transformed into MASS ILLUMINATION involving the 1000 points of light and the sacrifices they had made over the years..but the ILLUMATI did not anticipate the "gliche" that foiled the illuminati...on due in part to a single benevolent act of the allignment came and passed and mankind was thrust into a phase of regression..SO plan B__establish order and control by conquering the world population -.this is accomplished by creating CHAOS..cuz out of CHAOS comes ORDER...thus initiated the mass publication of Masonic Literature and Televised Propaganda of Illumanti Conspiracies and All the secrets of the past become public info.- humanity naturally reacts to FEAR with Chaos and out of CHAOS comes ORDER...
