Monday, June 21, 2010

Public lynching of BP CEO

June 21, 2010 — Thursday BP CEO Tony Hayward made his way to Capitol Hill to get grilled by lawmakers who were hoping to find out the cause of the oil spill that has been devastating the Gulf for the past 8 weeks. The media circus and scene was eerily similar to the frenzy surrounding the grilling of Goldman Sachs executives a few months ago and the big 3 automaker CEOs two years ago. So what's up with America's obsession with the "public execution" of these CEOs?


  1. What do you THINK is up with it? The American people are sick and tired of the nonsense perpetrated by big companies that ultimately wind up hitting us in the pocket.

  2. I managed to squeeze in a yacht race but I was late for the Polo Match. Oil spill my ass. Engineered disaster quite probably. Follow the money and see who profited from the spill. Halliburton recently bought a company that does oilspill cleanup didn't it. Did BP CEO sells his stock because he knew the well was in trouble? He certainly would be in a position to know. These greedy bastards might have let the Genie out of the bottle. The oceans die, we die.
