Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Cost of BP Oil Spill environmental disaster

June 17, 2010Lawmakers weigh in on paying for the environmental disaster in the Gulf


  1. Let all the oil go out to the sea so we dont polute air anymore. Let all animals in the sea die so it will become a reminder to future generations on how ill and bad greed and money is. let this newer be forgotten.

  2. Let's tell the truth here. Just one time folks. The only way we can correct the overuse of everything is to "HAVE LESS CHILDREN" Gee, who care how much we love those little babies. We love little puppies, kitties, ducks, horsies,frogs, etc. but we don't mind putting 14 million cute little pets to death each year. Can't you figure this out. Less people is less fuel, less garbage, less pollution, less oil spills. Less food for people in this country is less fat people. Less children born is less consumption from this earth. When will media stations like Fox tell the truth about over population? You are so willing to leak out every bit of information you can get so why not focus on a culture of people that needs to change how we breed?
