Friday, October 29, 2010

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show - Fri 10.29.2010

Alex Jones  talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster about the economy and related issues. Alex covers the news and takes your calls.

Bob Chapman wrote on the International Forecaster of the 27th Oct 2010  : "......Most people do not realize, unless they are victims that the first 50% and then 85% of Social Security benefits are subject to taxation. In 2000, just 22% were above that level. It is now 39%. In 50 years, 85% will be taxed. Where we ask is the tax revolt? By that time the age to collect SS will be 70. By that time taxes on the wealthy will rise from 39.6% to 36% for the top two brackets. In just ten years those in the 15% bracket will graduate into the 25% bracket. The 28% group will be in the 36% bracket. Is it any wonder there is an exodus of citizens from America to foreign places with more forgiving tax rates? Incidentally, they won’t be going to Europe where rates are 70%, if you include the VAT, the value added tax. That legislation holds, health care reform, 16-tax increase for those of you who were not paying attention......"

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