Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bob Chapman on Freedomizer Radio with Proof Negative & Youna 07 Dec. 2010

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster on the Proof Negative Show 12/7/10

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 8th December 2010 about Europe :".....Europe is worse than it has ever been in spite of so-called rescues. While on radio and TV and in the press in Greece, England, Ireland, France and Germany, we told listeners long ago that the only way for Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain to go was via default, leave the euro, bring back their old currencies at low levels and leave the euro zone as they cut domestic spending by 1/3 and raise taxes slowly. That way they would have a five-year depression. By taking a bailout they will be slaves of the banks for the next 30 to 50 years. These are the banks that should have never made the loans and bought the bonds in the first place, because they knew it was imprudent, and that the funds for these purchases in part were created out of thin air. All that is being done for Greece and Ireland is that governments are lending them money, so these countries can pay off the banks, so the banks won’t go under. As you can see there is no exit strategy in the US or Europe. They are all entrapped in Keynesianism, which we believe is no more or less than corporatist fascism...."

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