Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How can you become Rich

Robert Kiyosaki: "There are many ways in which you can become rich. For example, most people try to get rich by being cheap and the price for that is that you live cheap and there is so much money out there; why would you want to live cheap? People, who live below their means, save for a rainy day - the price is a cheap life. There are a lot of people who have a lot of money; but at the end of the process, they are still cheap; so they have made money their God. They are hoarding their money and the problem with that is Greenspan is printing it faster than they can order it, so their money is going down in value. The price is their life. Even when I was broke, I didn't live cheap."


  1. Let me get this straight. The way to being a millionaire: First you start with a million dollars . . . .

    Or.."lets're 25, if you save a nickel a day with compound interest . . "

    "All you need are multiple streams of income - not a PhD. "

    Per Jerry McQuire - show me the money !
    It sickens me to be negative - but as the saying goes - if it was easy why isn't everyone doing it ? But before I can even get to that question I have to ask - what are YOU getting out of it - as in "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is", "there are no free lunches" and lastly, "there's one born every minute."
    I'm 59, been there done that and Z E R O of it has worked for me. Should you be willing to make me a poster child (no connection to Jerry's kids) and turn my life around - if only to shut me up, let me know.


  2. Greenspan is printing it faster than they can order it??????????

    Greenspan is retired from the Federal Reserve!
