Friday, April 15, 2011

David Morgan : The Budget cuts are a farce

Silver guru David Morgan and Premium Exploration President Del Steiner setting with Al Korelin to discuss the budget cuts , the ongoing U.S. financial crisis and how these woes have created the perfect storm for Gold and silver which prices are expected to shoot to the moon .

David Morgan : ..."...we are having a budget deficit situation that unsustainable in fact at this point in time it is mathematically impossible to pay it off , and when you look at the budget cuts they're meaningless " " These budget cuts are absolutely a farce relative to the amount of deficit spending that's going on in this country for so long "

1 comment:

  1. Who is to blame? Not the patsies that speculated on a single family home. What group has a monopoly on the money supply? What group controls main stream media? Who has the most powerful lobby in Washington representing foreign interests, yet is not registered as a foreign agent? What group is disproportionally represented in Congress? Who occupies every federal agency from top to bottom? Who gets more foreign aid than the rest of the world combined? Who owns all of the major Wall Street financial firms? Who funds every gay and lesbian organization in the US? Who dominates the porn industry? What country has more bordellos per citizen than any other on earth? Better turn off the la la land and tune into reality. It is likely too late already.
