Thursday, April 7, 2011

Robert Kiyosaki stocks are for losers

Robert Kiyosaki with Peter Schiff - 04-07-2011

Robert Kiyosaki : You have to understand the Tax Flow , The tax flow punishes employees , I am not against employees but the taxes the IRS same as doctors and lawyers , doctors and lawyers pay the highest tax rats in America , there are two types of taxes in the investment world the capital gains and the cash flow in the accounting world that's called portfolio income which is capital gain which is also passive income if you have passive income and you invest in real estate you have massive tax right offs , so the way I strategize my life starting in 1973 was that my rich dad told me you have to take real course and I said why , he said you have to learn to manage debt and second I had to learn how to sell to be a good enterpreneur so today in my business I am not a small business owner I have large holdings I make so much money but each time I make money I have to buy a another piece of real estate large building apartment , I just was in San Antonio picked up another 1100 unit apartment from the Bank , Robert Kiyosaki stocks are for losers it's gambling I KNOW PEOPLE MAKE A LOT OF MONEY IN IT BUT THAT'S NOT MY GAME ....


  1. I had a lot of respect for you until now. There was no reason to be so rude to Peter Schiff. He was trying to understand what you were saying and you had absolutely no patience. You came across as a pompous ass ! Is that the way you act when you get rich. I would prefer to stay poor then.

  2. Robert, It must be very frustrating to have a mission to spread your understanding of financial miseducation and to bust the myths and fallacies of societal saving and investing strategies that keep people in positions of paid servitude, only to be invited on a show hosted by someone who seems to be perpetuating those very myths and misinterpretations, and will not let you finish your thoughts.
    I appreciate your efforts and the scale of your mission. I'm grateful I "get it." Patience grasshopper.
