Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bill Still : There is No Gold at Fort Knox

Author and filmmakerBill Still, director of The Money Masters & The Secret of Oz, is with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert on the Keiser Report ,he speaks about the Fort Knox gold , He confirmed that there is no gold left at Fort Knox , Bill Still is famous for being against a gold standard economy ,very strange indeed coming from a knowledgeable and wise man that he is . I do not agree with his arguments but I listen to his ideas with an open mind .  Bill Still 's latest book is No More National Debt. In it, he continues his investigation into the fraudulent debt-based monetary system that is has been systematically destroying the United States. No More National Debt sounds the battle cry for a new human rights movement for the 21st century.


  1. Which part of his argument do you disagree with or do you disagree with all he is saying?

    I've read elsewhere, perhaps in the The Creature From Jekyll Island, that commercial banks are responsible for 90% of inflation because of the fractional reserve banking system. If that is true, than what Still says about controlling the money supply has merit. A gold standard with fractional reserve banking is only a slight improvement over what we have. It seems to me we need to end the fed and the fractional reserve banking system.

    Why not have gold and silver compete with interest free money? Let the free market decide. It least both options are based on sound money principles.

  2. Which part of his argument do you disagree with or do you disagree with all he is saying?

    I've read elsewhere, perhaps in the The Creature From Jekyll Island, that commercial banks are responsible for 90% of inflation because of the fractional reserve banking system. If that is true, than what Still says about controlling the money supply has merit. A gold standard with fractional reserve banking is only a slight improvement over what we have. It seems to me we need to end the fed and the fractional reserve banking system.

    Why not have gold and silver compete with interest free money? Let the free market decide. It least both options are based on sound money principles.

  3. I think that is is funny that the U.S is holding onto all that gold when it doesn't matter. They could sell it all and the country would still be 16 Trillion in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy in the next few years.

    The wealthy won't allow Obama's tax the rich bill to be passed and the poor to middle class won't even be able to provide the Fed with enough for the interest payments soon.

    When you put it all together most of those middle east and african countries are much richer then any American when you look at their share of the nation debt and not one of them could pay their share of it.

  4. I think that is is funny that the U.S is holding onto all that gold when it doesn't matter. They could sell it all and the country would still be 16 Trillion in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy in the next few years.

    The wealthy won't allow Obama's tax the rich bill to be passed and the poor to middle class won't even be able to provide the Fed with enough for the interest payments soon.

    When you put it all together most of those middle east and african countries are much richer then any American when you look at their share of the nation debt and not one of them could pay their share of it.

  5. I think that is is funny that the U.S is holding onto all that gold when it doesn't matter. They could sell it all and the country would still be 16 Trillion in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy in the next few years.

    The wealthy won't allow Obama's tax the rich bill to be passed and the poor to middle class won't even be able to provide the Fed with enough for the interest payments soon.

    When you put it all together most of those middle east and african countries are much richer then any American when you look at their share of the nation debt and not one of them could pay their share of it.

  6. I think that is is funny that the U.S is holding onto all that gold when it doesn't matter. They could sell it all and the country would still be 16 Trillion in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy in the next few years.

    The wealthy won't allow Obama's tax the rich bill to be passed and the poor to middle class won't even be able to provide the Fed with enough for the interest payments soon.

    When you put it all together most of those middle east and african countries are much richer then any American when you look at their share of the nation debt and not one of them could pay their share of it.
