Monday, October 24, 2011

The Great Silver Debate - GATA vs. CPM Group

The Great Silver Debate Jeff Christian (CPM Group) vs. Bill Murphy (GATA) , Bill was not the right person to debate this, maybe Ted Butler? Sprott? Rickards?Jeff said before there are 100 times more paper gold traded than physical, so the real price of physical IS 100 times its present value. Period. Jeff made a more convincing appearance although on the wrong side.. Mr Murphy is being too confrontational; he needs to be more professional and level headed. Mr Christian couldn't be more wrong in his price estimations for the coming year. The PAGE market is going to rip the CME and CRIMEX a new one. I predict the PAGE market will start being felt, full bore, by the end of the first quarter 2012. Welcome a new paradigm in price discovery and so long criminal cartel, CPM Group, CME CRIMEX and JPM/HSBC.

Bill Murphy, chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), talks about the silver backwardation how The Silver Market is very Tight and that it will be reflected on the silver price in the coming months and how undervalued double-digit silver is and reiterate James' target of 400$ silver. The important thing is not how much it has gone up or what the dollar price is, but value. The small amount of physical silver relative to the huge amount of paper silver and even larger amount of paper money means that silver is still hugely undervalued and why to understand the gold and silver markets it is fundamental to know what GATA knows and be familiar with the gold price suppression scheme. How outstanding gold loans and massive paper gold shorts have distorted the market and how this is now unraveling. Finally he explains the tremendous potential in mining stocks and how these have been suppressed too, despite rising gold prices. Given their tiny market capitalization he expects that when the rush comes, they will rise in value very rapidly and outshine even the dotcom bubble.


  1. One of the debaters looks only at his opponent, one of them looks only at the audience. The winner ALWAYS looks only at the audience, the loser of a debate, (having lost it before it ever began), thinks only of attacking the character of information the opponent proffers, and most importantly the loser looks only at one single individual, the winner.

  2. BILL MURPHY looks too excited and 60$ silver
