Friday, August 23, 2013



A former Marine Corps Colonel who was stationed in Fallujah and trained Iraqi soldiers warns that the Department of Homeland Security is working with law enforcement to build a "domestic army," because the federal government is afraid of its own citizens.

Referencing signs in the crowd which read "More Mayberry, Less Fallujah," the Colonel spoke of how he didn't even have armored vehicles when he was stationed in Fallujah.

Martino's role as a Ministry of Defense coordinator was to command, train and equip the Iraqi Army, noting that he helped do everything he could "to make it as strong as possible," but that "Homeland Security would kick their butts in a week."

Stressing that it was unlawful and unconstitutional to use US troops on American soil, the Colonel warned, "What's happening here is we're building a domestic military," adding that police are now "wearing the exact same combat gear that we had in Iraq, only it was a different color."

Martino warned that the DHS was following military tactics by, "pre-staging gear and equipment" in order to build a "domestic army" while shrinking the US military "because the government is afraid of its own citizens."

In yet another example of political suppression overtaking Missouri, a startling video shows the Missouri Highway Patrol tackling and arresting peaceful protestors for refusing to leave a public area.

Two protestors were arrested, including one wearing an Infowars Tyranny Response Team t-shirt.

No less than seven police officers and state troopers can be seen surrounding the protestors who were the only pedestrians in the immediate area.

In the video, an officer claimed that the protestors were "causing accidents" by standing on a bridge sidewalk which was barricaded several feet from the traffic lane.

"That's not true. There's been no accidents," one of the protestors responded.

"There's also a First Amendment issue here, too," another protestor added. "We don't protest [only] when the St. Charles Police tells us we can protest."

"We have a First Amendment right."

"As long as it doesn't infringe on public safety," the trooper replied. police cops arrest marine enemy soldier resistance tyranny u.s. "united states" america american usa freedom liberty power freedom mafia politics "power trip" evil 2013 business cash money fbi obama crime criminal taser "police officer" jail prison truth "wake up" "police badge" uniform "police uniform" mafia prepare weapon food survival survive offshore dollar usd legal illegal protest revolution fear forces future trends trending news media rant "alex jones" infowars citizen 829speedy infowars gerald celente police state david icke police brutality lindsey williams check point cam camera secret

The protestors even offered to move to the side of the bridge as a compromise.

That didn't satisfy the police.

I believe that the law is a poor reflection of justice and therefor I disagree with many things that police officers enforce. However there is understandably a need for some of our laws, but some officers take it to far. They become power hungry. For example, one officer tried to ban me from an entire city. How could he even do that. lol. It was ridiculous especially because we had done nothing wrong. At that time I was working as a canvasser and was going door to door getting people to sign up for a news paper subscription. During the winter it gets dark earlier and people get a little sketched out at the door. That is not my fault and I am a nice person that never tries to push sales to hard. You must understand that I am just trying to make a living and pay rent like most other people. If knocking on doors is what puts food on the table then I'll do it. This police officer was on a power trip though. He said we were dicks and that we couldn't come back into the city. He had no authority to do that so of course we went back.

As Kurt Nimmo reported in 2009, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) distributed a law enforcement report entitled The Modern Militia Movement which instructed police to be on the lookout for people displaying "political paraphernalia" such as Gadsden flags and Ron Paul bumper stickers.

MIAC, a federal law enforcement information sharing center more commonly known as a fusion center, described itself as a "mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities" in order to "identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri."

Unfortunately the overpass incident adds to the growing trend of free speech shut-down in the Show-Me-State.

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