Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fukushima Apocalypse ~ Dr Bill Deagle on Jeff Rense Radio 08.22.2013

Maybe Edgar Casey was on to something. I think the reason why there isn't a rush to do anything is because there's probably very little that can be done. I think people have a tendency to believe that anything is possible if you just throw enough money and manpower at the problem, but that's not always the case. The more countries and players that get involved, the worse the situation is likely to get. Too many "experts" has the potential to screw things up royally.Back when the reactor four building blew up I knew the s—t had hit the fan. They have been spraying water over this mess ever since but that can’t go on forever. Americas West coast will catch it big time when this thing burns up. Everything as we understand it will be over.Much like BP with Horizon in the Gulf, TEPCO will never divulge how bad it is until it's too late. How this isn't mainstream news EVERYDAY blows my mind........but then again that would take time away from reporting on fake peace treaty's and reality stars in court!

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