Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fukushima is Thousand Times worse than we thought!

Latest Headlines:
New York Times: "Potential for huge spill" of highly radioactive liquid from many Fukushima tanks at same time, says nuclear design expert — Top Officials: Leaks from more tanks are "the biggest concern... We are extremely concerned"

NYT: Fears of environmental calamity from Fukushima disaster — Japan Nuclear Expert: It's getting worse... People all over world need to be informed... first case in history where so much contaminated water flowing in ocean

Reuters: Crisis deepening at Fukushima nuclear plant; Upgraded to 'Level 3 Serious Incident' — Represents a 100-fold increase in "severity of a radiological release" — Tepco says highly radioactive leakage continues, but unknown where from

Anonymous Official: Tank at Fukushima may have leaked tons of highly radioactive liquid every day for a month... "We didn't detect it for as long as 30 days" — Spokesman: Leakage is continuing... Other tanks may be affected

Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem 'uncontainable' — Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean

Tokyo Professor: Ground beneath Fukushima reactors becoming increasingly unstable — "Potential catastrophe unfolding in plain sight"

Expert: Land under Fukushima reactor buildings at risk of turning into liquid — Area near sea could become like mud

Study shows Fukushima nuclear pollution becoming more concentrated as it approaches U.S. West Coast — Plume crosses ocean in a nearly straight line toward N. America — Appears to stay together with little dispersion (MODEL)

Fukushima Governor: This is a national emergency — Massive radioactive leak causes top officials to hold emergency meeting — Tepco: Leakage believed to be continuing Tuesday

'Growing Alarm': 25 trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material leaks into ground — Kyodo News Advisory: Exact source of extreme contamination unknown; Tank missing 300,000 liters (VIDEO)

Officials: 'Nuclear Fuel Material' or the like leaked during today's Level 1 event near Unit 4 at Fukushima plant — "We will explain this incident in the press conference" (MAP)

NHK: Level 1 nuclear incident today at Fukushima plant — "Extremely high radiation levels" found leaking near Unit 4 (VIDEO)

Radio: Fukushima may be eclipsing Chernobyl as worst nuclear disaster in history... It's like a time bomb — They really need to seal off underground (AUDIO)

Canadian official publicly claims 'no concern' over new Fukushima leak info... Yet privately requested tests on salmon, due to "great public concern about potential radiation contamination in these fish"

Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I've never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov't ignoring problem (PHOTO)

Unprecedented: Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada's Pacific coast — "We think something happened in the ocean" — "The elders have never seen anything like this at all" — Alaska and Russia also affected (MAP)

Fukushima Mystery? TV: Japan expert says radiation levels in ocean too high to be explained by groundwater flow alone — Must be coming from "other contamination routes" entering Pacific — "Devastating impact" to come? (VIDEO)

NHK: Fukushima workers irradiated — Radiation alarm sounds — "No immediate signs of illness" (VIDEO)

Wall St. Journal: Unknown where Fukushima's nuclear fuel went; Even if found, they don't know how to get it out — RT: No one knows where the three 100-ton blobs are

TV: Public concern over Japan fish imports "looks to be justified" — Contaminated seafood recently on sale in Korea adding to fears — Over 6 million pounds found since 3/11 — Strong backlash against gov't

Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits — Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (VIDEO)

Fukushima Worker: I'm worried about pressure forcing water up through cracked ground at nuclear plant — Level now rising on mountain side

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