Friday, September 6, 2013

ALERT: Russia Sending Warship Nikolai Filchenkov To Syria with A SPECIAL CARGO

Russia Sending Warship Nikolai Filchenkov To Syria with A SPECIAL CARGO.

1 comment:

  1. A balance of power is just what the world needs to prevent our (US) illegal Middle East meddling escalating into WW3. Good for Putin. When the US abandons the rule of law it deserves to be criticized and prevented from further illegalities. I'm glad to see Russia stepping up. I would like to see Syria shoot down every illegal incursion into their airspace, just as I would expect to see that here. If you think tha'ts a strong statement, imagine some other country killing "insurgents" they don't like on US soil by having teenagers piloting drones with joysticks overseas, rewarding them for kills, ignoring innocent families, children, women, men who are killed. Imagine that. Send a clear message to the US: NO MORE ILLEGAL WARS.
