Saturday, September 14, 2013

American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments: "We Live In America"

"What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right.

This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim."

The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants."

"That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country."
When the producer arrived on the scene to explain that the heckler and the cashier were both actors, the soldier downplayed his "heroic" response by saying, "If you're an American, you're an American. Period."

1 comment:

  1. Well done! congratulations to those who stood up to this empty headed bigot (he was an actor but nobody knew this). He does come across as being the same as all the other American idiots who think 9/11 was the biggest tragedy of all time and then support the murder of a million Iraqis and God knows how many Afghans. You know the kind of people that watch only Fox News.
