Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bill Maher - America's Syria Policy Makes Us Look Like George Zimmerman

Bill Maher - America's Syria Policy Makes Us Look Like George Zimmerman


  1. Reply to CNN
    Amanpour, and the other latrine waste floating lumps of human dung usually referred to as CNN anchors news readers and so call journalists which of course they are not
    You claimed to hold the moral high ground! The most moral nation on the planet.
    Well here is a few of the millions of reasons that that is a fallacious claim
    1) You murdered 62 million plus Native Americans with your biological weapons Small Pox Chicken Pox Typhoid and Typhus infected blankets apart from starving them to death in forced marches to reservations and using your fire arms to kill mainly the women and children!
    2) You sank your moral teeth into Spain on the lie of a mine in Havana harbor.
    3) You slaughtered 8 million Vietnamese with your white phosphorus Napalm and Agent Orange along with many other dioxin chemicals that are still killing today!
    4) You funded Stalin’s reign of terror, his gulag murder camps 60 to 80 million dead!
    5) You used vast quantities of Chemical incendiaries on the Doolittle raids on Japanese cities killing untold numbers of children and babies even those innocent unborn.
    6) You nuked two cities after the Japanese had surrendered but hey you were not satisfied with the surrender terms were you? So they must have deserved it all those women and children? Hey Amanpour?
    7) You bombed German cities with chemical incendiaries creating fire storms literally cooking the population men women and children, then in the morning after whilst those left alive began the rescue attempts and took their kids to school you bastards bombed the hell out of them again.
    8) You infected tens of thousands of Guatemalans with sexually transmitted disease Syphilis Gonorrhea in a medical experiment!
    9) Millions of German women and children along with 2 million soldiers were frozen and starved to death in Americas version of the open field concentration camps by that piece of Latrine effluent General Eisenhower
    10) You supported the IRA terrorist murderers for a forty bloody year reign of terror.
    11) Panama, Nicaragua, Iran, Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Serbia were invaded in wars of aggression, using all the US chemical arsenal including the deadly depleted Uranium the dust from these conflicts caused a spike in cancers as far away as Western Europe including your so called greatest ally Britain. Syrian SARIN lasts only 30 to 40 hours before it breaks down your Depleted uranium goes on killing for 4.9 billion years at a minimum.
    12) Sub critical Nuclear weapons have been used by your military on Fallujah Iraq, Tura bora Afghanistan, Bridges in Serbia and the Ally Israel has used four of these weapons with technology stolen from the USA. On Syria so forget your crap about Al Assad’s use of WMD. Israel used white phosphorus on Gaza and Lebanon’s kids and have stock piles of Biological Chemical and Nuclear weapons! Tell Israel to dismantle their WMD if you dare!
    13) You latrine waste talking heads may be able to convince the great unwashed dumb stupid worldly ignorant breed of animals called US citizens! However we humans with real brains know better! Morals. you would not recognize it if it jumped up and knocked you on your fanny

  2. I was gonna say that, but you said it perfectly. Who is the fuckwit who thinks he is funny on this video? He is right the US bombs everyone and kills thousands of innocents and they are not terrorists? I served in the Australian Navy and we worked extensively with the US Navy in the South China Sea, what is wrong with your Gov,they think they own the world. We would spend weeks off the coast of a former enemy who kicked their ass and we would sail around playing war games and antagonizing them? The Gov in America is corrupt, the people are just like most people they don't get a say, time to take our countries back off the people running our Governments.
