Saturday, September 21, 2013

One Quadrillion Yen in Debt

Japan's soaring national debt, already more than twice the size of its economy, has reached a new milestone, surpassing one quadrillion yen. Let the word quadrillion roll around in your brain for a moment or two, because it is not something you hear every day. Quadrillion. 1,000,000,000,000,000. Really.

Japanese national debt rises to one quadrillion yen, that is 1 followed by fifteen 0s and how much is that in US dollar? (100yen = roughly 1 USD i.e. 10,000,000,000,000 - US10 trillion.) This was published on 14 August, 2013, I missed that. Can Japan repay the debt?
Answer: The population of Japan is about 126million, while the US is 310 million.So the per capita of national debt is roughly $80,000 for Japan vs $60,000 for the US. There is no way either country could ever pay back the debt. N.B. The figure do not include other state, municipal, county, corporate, personal debts. N.B. I hope I get my calculation correct.

Is there any wonder why "some people" are so bent on wiping the slate clean to start afresh again - by creating a war or wars?!?

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