Thursday, September 12, 2013

Poverty In America! - Geraldo Weighs In, On O'Reily

Poverty In America! - Geraldo Weighs In, On O'Reily

1 comment:

  1. The people receiving the big entitlements are the big corporations who do not pay tax and the corrupt too big to fail and too big to jail banks. These organizations are just running off with all the money.
    US wages are now ridiculously low. If people could earn a decent wage most of the welfare problems would not be there. Unfortunately the rich have socialism to cover their losses and free enterprise to allow them to keep all the profits for themselves.
    A big difference between now and 1970 is that the gap between the haves and have-nots has widened to a totally unsustainable amount.
    No consumer economy is sustainable if the population is unable to buy any of the manufactured goods.
