Sunday, September 8, 2013

Strange Apocalyptic Sounds WORLDWIDE 2013

Strange Apocalyptic Sounds WORLDWIDE 2013


  1. I've been dealing with a nut claiming to be Christ. He's after Christians and anyone who have received Christ as their Savior.

    These strange noises (can be) our wake up call for repentance because the Anti Christ is just learning his new power of control. The History Channel also aired The Apocalypse and you probably heard the Anti Christ acts like he's a worshipper of Jesus Christ.

    Now I see C.I.A. Surveillance Van #42 on my cellphone WIFI.... I guess they don't want us to know the real Truth? Obama might be issuing assassins to kill you and other Freedom of Press Americans especially the Gitmo Detainees used by the C.I.A. to eliminate you and me?

    Try it! Ask Christ to save you from sin. Strange things will happen. That is why our government don't want you to know nothing!
