Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Countries Pulling the Strings in the Syrian Civil War

After a recent visit to Syria, Patrick Cockburn discusses the involvement of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey the US and Russia in the Syrian civil war

1 comment:

  1. the problem here is that america is considered always the only superpower, but can you describe what is a superpower? if you got 60% of americans that lack reason, how can america be a superpower, hitlers nations had most of philosopher and scientist writers, and in fact berlin was the center of the world at that time, It was HITLER rhetoric that brainwash the germans not sitcoms and tv. america is not the center of the world intellectually in fact is quite the opposite, is a military power. them is more a dictatorial power, so when americans understand that they exist under a dictatorial power and not on the only superpower they might evolve.
