Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Fall of an Empire

According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts the US Empire ends on 6th Sept. 2013.
I suppose future historians will mark the day when the Empire goes into a protracted decline, no different from the Fall of The Roman Empire, which miraculously last for another four centuries before it met its final demise (not counting the Byzantine Empire). 


  1. incoherent the real problem america is still on the 20th century, the economy is a 20th century economy. how is run is 20th century mode, today the empire has a huge army while his citizens exist as slaves! what kind of empire is this one! is just a battlefield empire just like israel it exist as long it is at war. inquire the israeli shadow government to understand so finally once this israeli shadow government, is kick out of the american domain them until them americans will exist in poverty as the israelis exist in fear, israeli exist as well on a permanent war america exist on the same principles so far war has not reached america, but 9/11, gun control, boston bombing, and senseless killings are turning america on the same mode of existence as israel. so is no longer a world government but a state of siege were wars and police brutality are your daily news. jump to the 21 century america we are 2013. wake up folks.

    1. Very funny ... it is so strange that thousands/millions are still trying to get into the USA from all those other countries that are living in paradise.

      So Alfredo, which country is the light on the hill. At least in the USA, you can be a nutter in public, and not be jailed, stoned, or killed.
