Monday, September 23, 2013

Todd Borandi--Stop Being A Slave To Your Smart Phone 17.Sep.13 presents
We live in a technologically dominated world. So much of our day is spent engaged with our technological
devices, to the exclusion of ourselves and everyone else. This is not a healthy state of affairs. Tocc Borandi believes that we need to seek balance in our lives. While going cold turkey may not be an option, perhaps gradual withdrawl or at least limiting our tech intake to certain times of the day is possible. Technology has made it too easy to hide from ourselves and our problems. It's time to face up to life and start living fully again.

1 comment:

  1. great FSN.. the power of the alternative economy. perhaps a new neutral currency can do the trick for the new financial logic, away from Adam smith and lock.... the BREN can be the name of this new currency, central currency...
