Tuesday, September 10, 2013

UN Security Council Meeting On Syria Abruptly Cancel - Cavuto

Kerry: Don't Want To Take "Potential" Use Of Force Off The Table
UN Security Council Meeting On Syria Abruptly Cancel - Cavuto


  1. why the american government is the only government on the planet that can't never be trusted. cannot be trusted! it was made that way by the ancients, the gods might deliver it sometime in the future and them they will discover the meaning of trust.
    the feeling of trust.

  2. sense everyone is confuse looks as only a global police, China,Russia, US, to collect all nukes weapons, Israel nukes, now! them the rest as i said to you folks you do not understand the atom, unfortunately, science went the wrong way here, lack of information, so far nuclear energy has produce only toxic waste and bombs. you do not have the knowledge to do anything else! and moreover the error of toxic waste is the most disappointment, reason why, no government can be trusted.
